T E N ✅

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"Bitchhh yo man is the fucking best!" Paris screamed once we landed. We decided to go to Hawaii and the hotel was fucking beautiful. It was a one bedroom with a bathroom, a small kitchen and a living room. It was like a mini apartment.

"Hes not my man." I chuckled. Me and Dave weren't in a relationship, but we're working on that.

"You really think I'm finna believe that whole 'we just friends' bullshit. Girl you got another thing comin." I shook my head as a smile played on my lips.

"Ima go put on my bathin suit. You need to too because we gonna go swimming bitch." She laughed all the way to the bathroom, so I put on my bathing suit.

KarinJinsui: We don't meet people by accident, they were meant to cross our paths for a reason 😙Liked by conceited_

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KarinJinsui: We don't meet people by accident, they were meant to cross our paths for a reason 😙
Liked by conceited_.paris and 89,766 others
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Conceited_.paris: okay sis I see yhuu
Saucy_.marcus: baby wen yhu comin home imu 😘
daveeast: hope yhu have fun ❤

marcus: baby wen yhu comin home imu 😘 daveeast: hope yhu have fun ❤

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Conceited_.paris: Ain't no big booty bitch no lil booty bitch issa hot girl summer so pop yall shii
Liked by KarinJinsui and 87,899 others
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KarinJinsui: ❤❤❤
Random: Thickkk 😍😍
Hater: ha ass all types of fake ctfu 🙄😭

When we reached the water it felt amazing. It was nice and cold. But of course that feeling ain't last because Paris's dumbass splashed me. "Hoe this ain't no fucking jacuzzi." I laughed and swam to her.

"This water feel good as hell." I said laughing. "You know how them girls be in the water in them movies?" Paris asked.

She dipped her head in the water and came back up while rubbing on herself tryna look sexy.

"Yoo I'm weak." I said laughing. Paris started laughing with me. After swimming we went to go get something to eat.

I ordered a all natural shave ice which was basically just strawberries and pineapple with ice cream on top.

Paris ordered The Mix Plate which consisted of chicken and other types of meat, potatoes salad and mashed potatoes.

"Hows Cherish holding up with all the sudden changes?" She asked me and I swallowed some of my ice cream.

"Honestly shes been taking it very well. Dave and Cherish are basically best friends." Over the course of time we've been staying with Dave he and Cherishs relationship grew.

Their almost always together and I don't mind I just dont want to take any time he has with his daughter away from him.

I feel myself starting to fall for Dave but I just cant allow myself too.

I get it hes not Marcus but i just dont want another relationship right now despite how I'm feeling.

"Oh I'd think she was being shy n shit because you know how Cherish can be." I nodded and ate some more fruit.

"Cherishs rudeness is like...a solar eclipse. Its rare." I said and she busted out laughing.

"Girl Cherish has a attitude worse than mine and yours combined. That shit ain't rare. Remember at the park a little girl asked to play on the swing and Cherish was like "don't you see me on the swing. You need to wait your turn" that girl is a fucking trip." She said cracking up and I started to laugh with her.

Because well, shes right.

Later That Day.......

"Ugh. No. No. Ew. No." Is what I heard walking past Cherish's room. It was a little after 8 and Cherish wanted Kairi to take a bath first. When I went to take Kairi out the bath I heard Cherish complaining.

"What's wrong cupcake?" I asked. "Dave seriously you need to stop with the ugly nicknames." She said rubbing her forehead like she had a headache.

I rolled my eyes. "What's up wit you?" I asked her. "I can't find the right pajamas." She said and I walked into her room. "Maybe i can help."

Cherish looked me up and down and shook her head. "I think not." She replied.

"Why not?"
"Because my mommy has better taste in clothing than you and secondly I'm a girl not a boy." She said and I chuckled. "I dress Kairi all the time." I argued.

"Uh no no you dont. Kairi told me she always picked out her own outfits and my mommy helps her. So where do you fit in the picture?" She said still going through her closet.

"Girl you have all them clothes why not just pick one and go to sleep." I said and she shook her head. "Auntie Paris says "a girl must always look good" so just because I'm going to bed doesnt mean I can't look good." She said and I tried not to laugh.

After going through her closet for 30 minutes we finally found her pajamas that looked good on her.

(The Hello Kitty one)

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(The Hello Kitty one)

She took her bath for 20 minutes and I helped get her dressed after she put her underwear on. For dinner I made them Ramen noodles and I played with them for an hour and then i read them two books each before they finally went to bed.

They didnt go to sleep till a little after 9:50. I dont know how Karin does it.

A/N: Next chapter I'm gonna make sure Dave does some work in his strip club since he doesnt have much to do in his studio. I figured I should do that since I dont have many scenes with Dave working. Also I need some cute little girl pictures that could fit the description of Cherish bc I cant find any good ones.
If yall can find any send them to me.
My number is: 856-842-6221 or DM on IG: infxmous_.keeairra
Have a nice day 🦋

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