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1 Week Later...

"Baby I'm finna head out real quick." I said shaking Karin who was currently asleep. "I'm sleeping damn!" She yelled and went back under the covers.

I sucked my teeth and left. I had to head to the club because I lowkey forgot I had one and because I haven't been liking Karins vibe lately.

She been eatin more and sleeping then she be having this nasty ass attitude like I dis some shit to her. I love the shit outta that girl but she a fuckin handful.

Today the Nyasia and my mom out doing whatever. Cherish is with Jayden and Kairi with her mom.

When I arrived at the club I saw Jordan and dapped him up. "Sup J." I said and lit up a blunt.

"Sup lover boy. You been so damn cooped up with Karin you barely come ova here." He said and I sat beside him.

"Man I need to get out the house. Her attitude mad annoying, the kitchen basically empty because all she fuckin do is eat and sleep." I complained then groaned.

"Its mad annoying." I said and started smoking. "You sure she ain't pregnant?" He asked and I choked on the smoke.

"Ion know. Buh if she is then cool but then again that nigfa Marcus still on the lose and only god knows what that fucker gon do. But I dont mind bein a dad to another child." I said smoking.

Honestly ion know if I want more kids. I mean that'll be another lil kid running around this motherfucker. More attitudes and smart ass mouths.

Jordan chuckled. "Man if I was you I'd have as many kids as possible because when you die they gon carry yo legacy." He said smoking.

I shrugged. "Ima talk to her about it." We was silent for a moment.

"Yo what if she knows she pregnant and hidin that shit from you?" Jordan asked and I scrunched up my face.

"Nah. Why would she keep it away from me. Shit make no sense." I said and he shrugged. "I mean there are symptoms and by what you sayin she ain't making no moves to buy a test she she gotta know already." He said.

If Karin was hidin her pregnancy ima be mad fuckin pissed because if she gon keep her pregnancy a secret from me what else she gon keep from me?

Soon Diamond walked inside and Jordan left the office. "Hey D--"

"Why the fuck you in here and not making my money? Diamond you better get yo ass the fuck up outta my face." I snapped.

She was fuckin shook. "I just wanted to--"

"Nah I'm good. I gotta whole girl at home get yo hoe ass up and outta my face 'fore I fire yo ass." I said.

"Man what the fuck that bitch got that I don't?"

"You mean what the fuck you got that Karin dont? STDs and fucking Aids. Fuck out my face." I said. She gasped and left but without muttering a "asshole" on the way out.

"Say it louder baby girl I ain't hear you!" I yelled as she closed the door. Soon after Jordan came in laughing his fucking ass off.

"Nigga you all types of pussy whipped. Cussed that bitch out." He couldn't even finish his sentence without laughing.

I rolled my eyes and rolled me another blunt. "Man fuck you."


When I woke up I was hungry and my back was hurting so I made myself some soup and took a hot bubble bath. I had Rod Wabe playing in the background.

After I finished my food i soaked in the tub for another hour and got out because the water got cold.

I wrapped myself in a towel and put my robe on just as I heard the doorbell ring.

I went to answer it and Cherish hugged me. "Hey Jay." I said as he walked in. "Sup K." He kissed my cheek and I shut the door. "Wassup Queen. How you been?" I asked her and she laughed.

"Good. We went to Dairy Queen." She said and I laughed. She ran to her room to play and Jayden and I talked a little bit longer before he left.

I went upstairs to take another nap since I was sleepy again. I told Cherish and went to sleep.

Hours later I was woken up to hearing footsteps. "Dave you back?" I yelled and sat up in bed. I got no answer. I got my phone and a gun that Dave kept in the dresser. Ever since Marcus gave us that threat he kept a gun in our room.

I went to check inside of Cherish's room where she was sleep to find her gone and a note in her place. I read the note.

I told yall and yall motherfuckers thought I was playin I'm off to get the other kid.

"NO! HE TOOK MY FUCKING DAUGHTER!" I screamed and cried. I called Dave's phone.

"Wassup Mamas."
"Shes gone." I cried into the phone. "Who?" He asked. I sniffled. "Cherish, D-Dave he took my baby. Shes gone." I cried harder and harder. I just cant believe he actually went to the fucking extremes.

"I'm on my way."




"This is all my fault." I cried into his arms and he rocked me back and forth. "This isn't yo fault. Yall both was sleep." Dave said. Right now everyone was here.

My mom, Chanel, Kairi, Jayden, Jordan and Paris. I called everyone. "Yeah girl you ain't know." Paris said and I looked at her.

"I was in the house." I cried and her eyes softened. "Its gon be alright. He ain't gon hurt her. " Ever since I called them I've been fed with lie after lie.

"We gon find her" or "its gon be okay" or "it's not yo fault" LIE. How was we gon find her when we dont know shit about him? It's not gon be okay because my daughter ain't sittin here with me. And it is my fault because I. WAS. IN. THE. FUCKING. HOUSE. WITH. HER!

I wanted to punch myself over and over again. I never cried this much a day in my life. Even when Marcus beat me I never cried this much.

All I know is she better be unscathed when we find her and if she has a single scratch on her IM RAISING FUCKING HELL.

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