E I G H T ✅

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"Kairi and Cherish yall want some juice?" The girls came running into the kitchen and Cherish opened the fridge. "I want soda." She said and Kairi agreed. "Soda soda." She sang.

"No no soda." I said pulling out a juice jug. "No I want soda!" Cherish yelled. "Soda soda." Kairi kept singing. "I said no soda. Its not good for you." I told them. "Neither is juice but we still drink it." I sighed and poured their juice.

Cherish started jumping up and down screaming. "I WANT SODA!" Kairi was just singing and sipping on her juice.

"What the hell Cherish? Why are you screaming?" Karin who was taking a nap, came walking downstairs. "Cherish wants soda but I told her no." I explained. "Mommy I want soda!" Cherish cried. "No you know I don't give you no soda. Drink the juice." She said.

"SODA!" Cherish screamed. She sighed. "If you drink the juice I'll get you some candy." She said. Cherish thought about it before snatching her cup off the counter and walkin out the kitchen.

"That girl is a trip." I said shaking my head with a smile across my face. Kairi catches temper tantrums when I tell her no sometimes so i was used to it.

"Sorry about the way she acted." Karin apologized and poured her a glass of Pepsi. "Its aight. Kairi can be the same way." I said and she nodded and drank her soda.

Kairi mugged the shit out of me before walking out the kitchen. I chuckled and poured me some juice. "Dave? Thanks for letting us stay here. We barely know each other and your helping me out so much."

I smiled. "Let's get to know each other then." I said and she nodded with a smile. Karin is really beautiful but I dont want her just for her looks. Shes an amazing mother and shes been through a hell of a lot.

I love being there for her and her daughter and I wanna continue being there but not just as no friend either.

She washed out her empty cup and left the kitchen. When I first met her it was nothing but lust. I just wanted to fuck and that was it but now I want so much more than that.

I decided to head upstairs to take a shower. I passed Karin in my room who was watching Netflix and I went into the bathroom.

After showering for a little while I got dressed and laid down beside Karin. She was dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants but she still looked beautiful as always.

I watched whatever she was watching until I fell asleep.


While I was watching TV I was thinking about the relationship Kairi and Dave had and I knew they were hella close. I felt like I was coming in between their relationship and I didnt want to do that. So tomorrow I decided that me and Cherish was to spend that time all day and Dave and Kairi would do the same.

Just so they could have more bonding time. A phone was ringing and I thought it was mine but it was Dave's instead. "Dave." I poked him but he didn't wake up.

I knew we were together anymore and I also knew I had no business doing what I was about to but did it anyway.

I took his phone and saw text messages.

Babymama: Babyyy wen yu finna drop off Kairi I miss ma baby n imu 2
Babymama: can i call kairi??
Babymama: nvm she prolly sleep n yu prolly is 2
Babymama: Gn ily ❤

I turned his phone off and put it back and laid down. By the looks of it he was still fucking with his baby mom and I didn't want to get involved.

Then my head went back to earlier when he said he wanted to get to know me. What if this whole thing is another set up? What if hes just tryna fuck?

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