T H R E E ✅

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1 Week Later...

After that whole incident Cherish has been scared of Marcus and wouldn't allow him to be near her. She told Paris what happened and she went absolutely crazy. Telling me to leave him and shit. I mean I can leave him i simply choose not to because i don't want my daughter to be fatherless and I also love him and I know he loves me too.

Today Cherish wanted to play at the park so I took her. Cherish was at the swings and I sat on a bench on my phone texting Paris.

Bestie: Yu need to leave his dumbass. He shouldn't have even touched you like tf.
Me: ik buh I rlly love him n I know he loves me too
Besite: Bullshit! If dat nigga loved yu he'd never hit yu. I understand that yu love him buh its posed to go both ways. Not jus a one way

I was about to text back when a little girl bumped into me. I dropped my phone on the ground and looked at the little girl. By her hair I thought she was Cherish.

"Cherish watch where your going." The girl picked up my phone and turned around. "I didnt mean it but my ball was gonna hit you also I am not Cherish." I smiled at the girl and picked up her ball.

My breath was almost knocked outta me. She looked similar to me. "What's your name?" I asked her. "Kairi. You?"
"Karin." She smiled at me.

"Cute. Wanna play ball?" I shrugged and played catch with her.

Meanwhile with Cherish and Dave...

I was walking around the park when I stumbled across a little girl who was talking to herself. "Now mommy said to move my legs like this.." she started kicking her legs back and forth probably trying to swing.

I chuckled and walked towards her. "Need help?" She looked up at me and nodded. "Mommy said to move your legs like this but nothing's happening." I chuckled and gave her a push. She started kicking her legs and was swinging on her own.

"Thank you so much." She smiled and swung. "No problem. What's your name?" I asked her. "Cherish. You?"
"Dave." She nodded.

"Its gettin kinda chilly I shoulda put on my hoodie." She started mumbling. "What you singing?" I asked because it kinda sounded like my song, Me & Mines.

"Oh it's just a song I heard that I like." I smiled. "Its gettin kinda chilly I shoulda put on my hoodie. It was just me and my man tryna come up with a plan--"

"You like that song too?" She looked up at me with big excited eyes. "Actually that's my song. I made it." Her jaw dropped and she stopped swinging. "Your joking." I chuckled.

"Nope. Its called Me & Mines." She nodded. "I really like your song. Mostly the beginning I dont understand the rest." I laughed. "Wheres your mommy and daddy?" Her face scrunched up.

"I hate my daddy. He hurt my mommy and made her sleep for like five days." I frowned. I felt bad for her. She had this sad ass look on her face. "Then he made me hit my head on the wall and it hurt it alot." I frowned. If someone would've hurt Kairi...ion know what the fuck I'd do.

"Wheres your mommy?" I asked her. "Over there playing catch with that little girl. She looks like she could be my sister." I looked and saw Kairi playing with her mom and I smiled.

"Come on." We walked over to them.

"Mommy!" Cherish ran into her mom's arms. "Lil butt." Kairi hugged my leg. "Hey daddy. Kawin was playing ball wif me." I smiled. "Hey I'm Karin." She smiled and stuck out her hand. "Dave." I shook her hand.

"He showed me how to swing on the swing." Cherish said and I chuckled. "And mom he made, its gettin kinda chilly I shoulda put on my hoodie." I chuckled.

"He did? Thanks for teaching her." I nodded. Karin was cute as fuck. She was wearing a pink belly shirt with short denims and silver heels. Her hair was in a messy bun.

She was really a sight to see

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She was really a sight to see. I licked my lips and kept checking her out. "Daddy likes Kawin." I looked at my daughter as she giggled. Karin sent the girls to play and we talked.

That's when I noticed there was a bruise on her cheek. My thoughts drifted to what Cherish had told me. "What happened to your cheek? Some must have happened for you to try and hide it with concealer." I said and her smile dropped.

"I..um..I'm really clumsy." She laughed nervously. I nodded slowly not believing a word she said. "So what did you do? Slap yourself?" She started to fiddle with her hands.


"So this the shit we on?" I heard a booming voice. I turned to see some dude walking over to us. Karin immediately stood up. "Marcus um Dave hes just a friend. He taught Cherish how to swing..." she sounded scared as hell.

"So now you letting other niggas around my fucking daughter? The fuck do you think this shit is?" She looked at the ground and he yanked her arm.

"Ayo dont grip her like that." I said standing up. "You stay the fuck outta this." He dragged Karin to the car. "MOMMY!" Cherish came running with tears in her eyes. "DAVE! HES GONNA HIT HER!" She screamed.

I ran as fast as I could. "Get the hell off her." I yelled. "Stay the fuck outta this." He yelled in my face. "Dave jus look after Cherish." Karin said as Marcus pushed her in his car and drove off.

At least I got her number for emergencies.

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