E I G H T E E N ✔️

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I rolled my eyes at him. "Its a party. I could've guessed you were gonna be here." I said drinking vodka from my cup.

Paris stood there awkwardly so Dave introduced himself to her. "I'm Dave. Karin's boyfriend." He stuck his hand out, Paris shook it. "That Hawaii trip was fuckin bomb!" She commented and then ran off giggling like a 6 year old girl. I shook my head at her, she's my bestfriend but she's also crazy as hell. Gotta love her. I chuckled softly.

"I missed you." He said and I rolled my eyes, he obviously isn't gonna leave me the fuck alone. "What you want?" I was still pissed off at him and seeing him ain't make it any better. I told Paris everything that happened and she was shocked and slightly annoyed by his assumptions.

He licked his bottom lip and I found myself staring, Jesus this man could've killed somebody and I'd still fall for him. "You look good ma." He said looking me up and down and not stopping.

I rolled my eyes and mumbled. "Take a picture it'll last longer." I didnt think he heard until he took out his cell phone.

"Dont mind if I do. Pose for me ma."

Liked by Millie_Mill and 75,890 othersdaveeast: baby over here lookin fine 😍View all 17,990 comments Millie_Mill: 🙄 Hater: ain't she cheat on yo ass Random: ur lucky asl to have her ❤

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Liked by Millie_Mill and 75,890 others
daveeast: baby over here lookin fine 😍
View all 17,990 comments
Millie_Mill: 🙄
Hater: ain't she cheat on yo ass
Random: ur lucky asl to have her ❤

"Listen I'm sorry for sayin that. I miss you and Kairi misses you." He said and I kept drinking from my cup.

"I miss Kai too." I said and he sighed.


"What do I have to do for you to take me back?" I asked her because I was willing to do anything, that's how desperate I was for her. "If you want this relationship to work, you can't keep anything else away from me. Or go fuck with other hoes." She said.

I bit my lip in deep thought. I wanted her but I'd have to tell her about Julissa and me possibly having to be a father to yet another child. If I tell her she damn sure wont ever take me back. So I did the only thing I was good at...I lied.

"Okay I'll do it." I said and she nodded. Afterwards we kept talking and she kept drinking.

"Aight I think that's enough." I said taking the cup from her hand. "But Daveee, I'm thirsty." She whined grasping for the cup.

She hopped off the counter and fell on the floor. "Oops." She giggled and I sighed. She was drunk but in order for me to take her home i had to take Paris too.

Or vice versa, whatever.

"Karin stay right here dont move." I told her and she nodded and stayed on the floor. I went in search for Paris but couldn't find her.

"Okay mamas I see you!" Someone shouted and i went outside to see Paris on top of a table twerking and people throwing money like she was a damn stripper.

I went up and grabbed Paris's hand. "Hey! Let go!" She whined and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go Paris. It's time to leave." I said as I helped her get down. "But I was having so much fun." She whined.

"Aye leave her the fuck alone. She was havin fun nigga!" Someone shouted and I flipped them off.

After dragging Paris back to the kitchen Karin was gone. Like what the fuck? She was just on the floor struggling to stand back up and giggling.

Dragging Paris I started searching for Karin. "Go go go!" I heard people chanting and I saw Karin drinking from a bottle of Hennessy with two other empty bottles next to her.

"Karin!" Paris stumbled to her and Karin hugged her. "Bitch." She slurred. "Aight that's enough let's go." I said but they wouldn't break apart so I pulled them apart, picked Karin up and dragged Paris out the house.

"Hey! Ion wanna leave just yet." They whined and I ignored them. "Who car yall take?" I asked.

"Karin." They both said and i was growing annoyed. I looked around for Karins white Range Rover since ion know what kind of car Paris drives.

I found her car and asked for the keys.

"What's that?" Karin asked and I sighed heavily, not only was I annoyed but I grown tired and wanted to go home. "I'm sleepy." Paris said and fell on the ground. "Ion feel good." Immediately I put Karin down and she puked all over my black Jordan's.

Those were my favorites and I was beyond pissed.

Then I saw Karin ain't have no shoes on. "Aye wheres yo damn shoes?" I asked her. "Uh on my feet blindy." She said.

"No their not." I said and she wiggled her toes. "Your slowy slow." She said and giggled.

She sat on the ground next to Paris and poked her.

"Girl, why you sleep?" She asked. I then called for help.

"Wassup." Jordan answered. "Listen you know that party that nigga, Ronald was hosting?" I asked him.


"Listen I need some help. My girl and her best friend came and their fucking trashed. Karin doesnt know where her shoes are, she puked on my fucking Jordans, and ion know where the fuck her keys are and by the looks of it neither does she.

Her best friend Paris on the other hand passed out." I said and he laughed.

"Aight I'm on my way."

"Keep drivin till you see a white Range Rover." I said then hung up. I looked at them and Karin was putting Paris's hair in her mouth.

"Karin stop." I said and she looked up at me. "I want cotton candy." She said and I stood her up.

"No." I said and she pouted. After 30 mins of arguing with her Jordan finally pulled up.

"Damn, their white girl wasted." He said getting out his car, rolling my eyes I turned towards Karin. "Karin where are your keys?" I asked her and she shrugged.

"Look in her bra." Jordan said and I looked at him like he was crazy. "What? That's yo girl and ion see no damn purse." He shrugged.

"Look in your bra for your keys." I told her and she took her keys out. "J put them in the car so I can find Karins shoes." I said and he nodded.

I went in search for her black heels. After an hour of searching I finally found them.

Yeah, they ain't coming back to no party.

Edited: HA! Dude I started editing this book in the beginning of 2020 and then forgot about it bc of personal reasons also to write other books and it's Dec 8th and I'm still editing...

Edited: Friday, December 8th 2020

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