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I hope you break your neck, bitch I hope you break your fuckin spinal cord. Hope yo lil sister fall of her bike and break before handlebars. I hope a homeless person beat you up and spit on yo ass

I blasted I Hope by Jay Lewis while driving around. I wanted to kill this nigga so fucking bad. He rapped his own fuckin daughter, like who the fuck does that? Just because he held a fuckin grudge.

My music turned off when Jayden called my phone. "Wassup." I said.

"The police here. Said they got sum on Cherish."

"I'm in my way." I hung up and sped to my house.




"Thank you." The police left. I lied and said we already checked there and they weren't there. Only so I could kill that nigga and burn that motherfucker with him in that shit.

I was getting ready. Me, Jayden and Jordan so we could kill that son of a bitch.

"Cherish baby. Here we come." Jayden said we then left.

When we got there I shot that bitch up and walked into a bedroom where I saw Marcus forcing himself inside of her and one nigga kissing all over her. I shot the one nigga and yanked Marcus off her and pistol whipped his ass.

I punched his face and stomped on him I didn't want him dead yet because I wanted to burt his ass. I made sure he was passed out and I looked at  Cherish.

She looked dirty and scared. "Dave!" She jumped up to me and I picked her up. She winced a little and I saw blood between her legs. I gave her too Jayden and told them to get outta here.

I looked at Marcus who was getting up. I pulled him by his collar. "HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU HURT YO OWN KID?" I shouted and punched his face.

"How can you rape yo own daughter?" I kneed his face then I kneed him in his dick. "Since you like rapping little girls..." I took my gun and shot his dick then I cut his shit off. He yelled in pain and I only smirked.

Then I poured gasoline and alcohol on him. "Hope you burn in hell." Then I lit his ass on fire and walked out that motherfucker. Then I lit every one else on fire and then I lit up the entire warehouse and walked away from it.

When I got in the car I looked back at Cherish who was shaking and I don't regret nothing.

I drove off just as that bitch exploded. I smiled knowing me and my family could live peacefully.

When I got home I carried Cherish into the house. "Baby!" Karin took her and hugged her. Everyone piled around then as they all cried. Then I started crying as well.

The rest of the day we all sat down with  Cherish just loving her. She took a bath and went to sleep.

Karin and I slept in Cherish's room that night.


Now that I had my baby back I never wanted anything else. Cherish and I did everything together. I didnt let her out my sight. Last night she had a nightmare and I really wanted to fuck Marcus up my fucking self.

Next day I left and went to the store to get Cherish some vitamins or something because he wasnt eating. When I was there Marcus's sister saw me.

"Hey bitch. Why the fuck you kill my brother bitch?" I turned towards her and rolled my eyes before paying for the vitamins. Dave was waiting for me in the car and I dont got time for Tamia.

I wanted to beat her ass but lord knows that if I touched her i wouldn't let go till she was dead. I wanted his entire family dead.

She kept taunting me so I threw my bag and shit on the floor and lunged for her.

I punched her face and kicked her stomach I ripped out some of her weave and threw her ass on the floor. I got on top of her and kept punching her over and over so she could feel what my daughter felt.

I kicked her stomach and I slammed her head on the ground. All I saw was red. "Karin Stop!" I was being pulled off her but I wanted her dead.

I choked her while banging her head on the floor.

Tears cam out my eyes as I choked her. "Baby please stop. Cherish just got you back. Don't let her lose you again." I then let her go and went into the car crying my eyes out.

I wanted his family dead.

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