fifteen ✰

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j a d e n

       there has been a lot happening in the house lately. I dropped my new song and it's kinda blowing up. Me and Mads are still going strong but there's been something off lately. I rolled over and put my arms around her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.. she didn't even move but i saw her on instagram.

when there was no reaction from her, i rolled over and got on my phone also. i had a text message. i opened it up.

"hey jaden, i heard your song... it's really good, i'm really super proud of you. Not meaning to come across as rude on this but.. i saw an interview you did and it said that it was about your first breakup and that's what inspired you to write it... i just really wanna talk about some things. if you could call me some time.."

i reacted to the message and sent a thumbs up. i got out of bed and brushed my teeth and threw on a t shirt and some yeezy's and went outside to the deck. Nobody would come out there. I dialed finley's number and on the second ring she picked up.

" hey jaden"

"hey finley.. how are you?"

"i've definitely been better. How about you?"

" i could say the same. What did you wanna talk about?"

"the song.. i just wanna know why you feel so angry towards me. i just thought that we were going to be able to still be friends i guess, and still be mutual after we broke up."

"yeah well i thought the same thing, and then i started dating mads, and that all changed. She was what i needed to get me through it, she already had feelings for me so i guess i just thought it would be easy to get into a relationship because me and her started off as friends just like me and you did. She just really reminded me of you.. I decided to write this song because it was all of the emotions i was feeling when you broke up with me. i literally blamed myself for everything which i probably should have because it was my fault we even had to make that phone call anyways. Then i found out that you had been texting Bryce, and i just felt so hurt and i got to the point where i was never sober and everybody said i needed help, but i really needed you. I just felt numb. so that's exactly what i wrote about."

"jaden i never meant to hurt you like that. i thought that us seeing other people was going to help everything. i haven't even talked to anybody else. I met this guy at a party one night when i went out with some modeling friends but it never went anywhere. i never even texted him back the next day. i mean don't get me wrong until a couple months ago i was doing really good and thought that this was all working. Bryce really helped me through a lot of it because he was texting me telling how you were, when you wouldn't text me back."

"i wouldn't text you back because mads always gets mad when i text you. which i get it but i could only ever text you back when she wasn't around or wasn't looking. that's why my texts were always so short and basic because i had to hurry. Look Fin i miss you everyday but if we were to try a relationship again then you would have to live out here. i can't do this long distance shit. not with you."

"yeah well i don't see that happening anytime soon anyways, you seem really happy with mads and i don't want to ruin that with you. Of course i miss you more than life itself and nothing feels like it's worth doing anymore. Everything meant something when i was with you, now everything means nothing without you. We just need to work through this phase in our lives and if it's meant to be we will work out in the future.i guess i just wanted to talk so we could clear the air about everything. i didn't want there to be any hard feelings."

" there's not hard feelings fin-"

"jaden who are you talking to?" i turned around and saw mads walking out the sliding door onto the deck. I hung up the call and put my phone in my pocket. "yeah i heard you say her name jaden, let me see your phone." "are you kidding me? no." i walked past her and into the house, i grabbed my keys off the table and went to get some food. "where are you going?" "somewhere you're not."

i walked out the front door and just started driving with no destination.

f i n l e y

"there's no hard feelings fin-" "jaden who are you talking to?" click. the call ended. I looked at my phone and saw the call disappear from my phone. i started to cry. the tears were hot and they wouldn't stop. i pulled my knees into my chest and just sat there.

i had nothing to do today so i spent the day mostly crying and watching sad netflix movies.

i kept thinking he'd call me back, but he never did. i got on snapchat just to see any source of happiness. I clicked on the first story i saw and it was jaden.

       i clicked past the picture and put my phone down next to me

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       i clicked past the picture and put my phone down next to me. it vibrates as soon as i sat it down. i went to take a shower and let it sitting here.

    once i was out of the shower. i looked at the notification.

"i'm coming to you. i'll see you in a couple days."

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