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Okay So this takes place during the First Ironman, Tony kinda of A Jerk, Alex is Close To Pepper and that's about it On With the Story.

Till Next Time.....See Ya

Tony pov

Theirs a 3 year old girl in front of me, with white hair and purple eye's, in a black T-Shirts and Shorts with blue design's on going down her arm's, and Child survives tell me she's my daughter, "She can't Be my Daughter ", the man takes out a pad "You had a relationship with a Sarah Fox, right", than it comes back to me Sarah she was beautiful sweet, kind i loved her, but I got scared of comment and left "Yes" "well she was pregnant, when you left, and she gave birth to Alexandria-Maria Rose Stark, but she died a week ago. ". They push the little girl closer to me and leave, she just starts at me and I Her not knowing what to do, so i grab my and phone and call pepper.

Alex pov

"I'm bouncing off the walls again" I sing along with my music, I'm setting in the sand behind my Father's Malibu home, it's about mid noon so the waves are big, hard, and great, my surf board setting infront of me, while I'm waxing it, I'm in my face pair of purple board shorts, and a black bikini Top, on my right arm is a band with a waterproof I pod, and waterproof headphones. Once my board is fully covered in wax, I attach the rope to my ankle and stand putting the board under my arm a smile graces my face and my purple eye's look out into the sea, walking out into the sea, until I get about waist deep laying on my board I paddle out into the water, and balance on my board, until I a wave comes, a smile graces my face as I paddle, and about the time I catch my wave when Time bomb comes on, riding the waves I'm pretty much in my own world, I get caught in the tube of A beautiful clear blue, I run my fingers over the water, I come out the other side and dive in the water,popping back the surface in a matter of seconds, I grab my board, balancing back on it, another waves comes my way, but I'm not ready for it so u duck under the water resurfacing on the other side, Another wave comes my way.

I don't know know long I've been out here but the sun is starting to set, I turn my board back around paddling to shore, placing my board under my arm, I grab my towel and dry my self off a little, pilling off the safety strap I walk into the house putting my board by the back door, Walking in theirs Pepper, Rodney and the father of the year (Not) Tony. Him and Rodney are arguing over something that I could care less about "Hey pep" I walk over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water "Where have you been?" She ask I notice that she's in a gown, dad's still in his regular clothes "Surfing out back" "You should to be ready an hour go" he gives me that look "Ready for what" "The party tonight" "I didn't know I had to go to that" sighing "of course you do", "your tracking water" Dad says finally noticing i'm here, we don't really get along "That's because I just came out that big blue thing outside called the ocean" I reply he gives me a glare "Why are you even here shouldn't you be in School or something" "I would be if I didn't graduate at 10, and that boarding school you shipped me off to when I was 12 oh kind sir" I Use my best county accent he just gamers some more and I glare back you can feel the trench in the room "um Alex why don't you get ready" pepper says "fine" I walk up the steps "And stop tracking water in my house" "of course you Highness" I bow, than head up stairs to my room, on the door handle is my favorite dress, jacket and black Strappy high heels. Grabbing my things I walk into my room and right into the shower.

Stepping out my clothes, I step into the shower letting the warm water run throw my short silver hair, washing with my favorite body wash, I Prince off and step out grabbing a fuzzy towel wrapping it around myself, drying off I grab my underwear. Than slip in my dress I dry my hair, and walk into my room and sit at my vanity grabbing black eyeliner, eye shadow, and massacre, Than I grab my red lipstick than grab my hoop earnings. I give my self a once over in my full length mirror, I grab my heels, placing them on, I grab my leather studded jacket, my car key's and an overnight bag, Knowing that dad's going to pick up some sank and he won't want me home, placing my phone charger, pajamas underwear sneakers. Socks make-up remove, another change of clothes, and my laptop wallet and house key's, slipping the bag over my shoulder I walk down the steps. Placing my bag in the car, I get in White F-Type Coupe Jaguar with racing seats. She roars to life "I love that sound" I Pull out the drive way after the limousine holding Dad and Pepper to a Party that I don't want to go to "It's going to be a long Night".

Their She is the First Chapter of Empty House, BTW Alex is based off my personality and since I'm super sarcastic , she going to be Saracstic

The Next chapter might be a little sad Just to give you a fair warning

Till Next Time.....see ya!

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