ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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"(L/N) (Y/N)!", the angry sounds of a teacher echoed throughout the hallways as the boy with said name continued running with a honey bun drooping from his mouth. "I hope the principal finally decides to expell you!", the teacher yells after the young male. He paid no mind, however, worrying more on the fact that his honey bun had almost fallen from his mouth as he made a sharp turn around the corner at the end of the hallway.

This was normal for (Y/N), as he was known as a trouble maker, an out of control rebel, a disobedient child, an outcast. By the time he reached his high school years, he was used to people thinking of him as 'messy'. It wasn't like they were wrong, they were all right. He was messy. He was disobedient. He was rebellious. And he most definitely was out of control. Especially his home life.

With no father figure around to teach him how to do basic things such as: how to shave his facial hair. Or how to get a job. Or how to even keep a job; life was hard for him. Keeping a job was his main issue though as he was never able to be stable and keep a job because something he'd do would fuck everything up. If it wasn't for his alcoholic mother, whom was never around, he believed he would've been better off. Instead, he had to take care of the both of them, despite being the child.

So maybe life for him wasn't the prettiest. Moving all the way to Japan from America wasn't either. In fact it was super hard. When his father came home that day announcing their flight to Japan when he was 8 or 9, he was anxious as he knew he'd be moving away from all of his friends and everyone he knew. But he knew his father could do good there. So they moved. However, moving there only caused more issues than solved them. His father left shortly after moving, and his mother started drinking. He was fine with her drinking maybe one of two glasses of whiskey, but that number doubled almost every week to the point that she was drinking bottles a day.

No matter what though, he never let that get to him. He was 16 and ready to move on with his life. Ready to leave his mother in this mess she caused herself. He knew it wasn't the right thing to do, but what do you do with a mother who doesn't want to get help and only is getting worse? At this rate she'd be better off tying that noose.

(Y/N)'s feild of vision engulfed the now student filled hallways as he started walking a little slower to the exit of the school. He wasn't skipping though, school was just over. The last bell of the day rang through the halls when he left that godforsaken room filled with idiots. He knew his home ec class was worthless for his situation. He was over it though, not like he cried a lot over it anymore. When he was just about ready to reach the gates, he over heard his name being called down to the principal's office once again.

With a sigh, he began his disappointed journey to the office. A few "OOH's" could be heard making their way through the crowd but (Y/N) paid no mind. Again, he was used to it. Once at the hell hole known as 'The Principal's Office' he took a seat next to a gray haired kid. The kid looked over to (Y/N) and smiled trying to seem as friendly as possible only to get a unimpressed look from him.

'Must be Mr.Hot-heads student pet.' (Y/N) said to himself, looking away from the male. He rested his leg on his knee, his elbow on his leg, and his head on his hand. He was unphased when the said principal peeked behind the corner of his office, and called him in not before giving a huge sigh of frustration. (Y/N) only had smirk played out on his face as he hooked his backpack over his shoulder and walked right into the man's office, completely ignoring the gray haired male he had previously "interacted" with.

As he sat down in the all too well familiar seat placed across from the principal, the man who had called him down began speaking. "So I'm sure you know why you're here." He said, rubbing his temple. (Y/N) only gave a quiet "mhm" and allowed for his principal to continue. "Well, I highly believe that no mater the amount of times we suspend you or the amount of times we give you detention, you just seem to get worse and worse. However, we don't want to expell, as was specially request from your lovely mother," of course. Because not only was she an alcoholic, but she was a whore. Sleeping around with my principal. "We decided there was no other option other than to have one of our extremely well behaved students mentor you."

(Y/N) was shocked. He could only sit there, a dumbfounded look plastered on his face. He could barely say anything before his principal called out a name, causing that same gray haired male to enter into the room. "(L/N), please meet Sugawara."

The male, whom was called "Sugawara" smiled brightly at (Y/N) as he turned around in his seat. He made his way over to where the Principal was and stood next to his desk. The boy said something before (Y/N) could, "Hi! I'm Sugawara Koshi. It's great to finally meet you." He said 'finally' with such confidence, it just about freaked (Y/N) out.

"What do you mean 'finally'?" (Y/N) questioned and shifted in his seat, obviously uncomfortable.

Koshi looked at him, resting his face a little as he was asked this. Almost immediately after (Y/N) asked his question, Koshi was quick to reply, throwing his left hand on the back of his neck. "Oh yeah, I guess they didn't tell you, huh?" He said, awkwardly laughing before finishing his answer, "They told me everything I needed to know a few days ahead of now. Only important things, like why I have to babysit you and-"

(Y/N) cut Koshi off, "Not babysitting, I don't need a babysitter. You're just keeping an eye on me so asshat over here doesnt flip his shit." Koshi gasped as he cursed in front of the principal. The principal only rubbed his temple harder and more aggressive.

"Please don't start with the curse words again, (Y/N)." said boy cringed at his first name being spoken by someone who had so much hatred for him. He looked down to the right side of him onto the floor, looking for anythig to keep his attention for the time being. He wanted nothing to do with this.

"Right.Well, I'll be..uh..mentoring you for a while then." Koshi said, trying to break the ugly thickness of anger strung in the air between the two. (Y/N) only rolled his eyes, still not wanting to look at the newly known male.

(Y/N) looked up to his and the other males principal before speaking. "So? Can I go now? I'm supposed to be somewhere." This caused for Koshi to tense up and await a response from their principal.

The principal looked up from his hands and at (Y/N), "It's not like It's important, but sure." He said leaning back in his chair.

(Y/N) took his as his opportunity and quickly grabbed his bag from the floor, flung it over his shoulder, and quickly left the room, not wanting to breath anymore of the thinning oxygen. Koshi only looked at his principal, a face of wait painted on it.

"Prepare yourself, boy. You're going to have your hands tied tightly." He spoke with such tiredness and grumpyness you could almost smell if off of his breath, right under the layer of coffee. Koshi only looked back at the door, still a little confused, but understanding he's already got his hands tied.

"I guess we'll find out."

1379 words

Koshi Sugawara x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now