ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟝

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3rd POV

Days had passed since y/n last saw Terushima. The boy texted the volleyball player and told him he no longer wanted to be with the male. This set a fuse off inside of Yuuji causing him to become agitated and angered.

Y/n just chose to ignore the teen as best as he could. He began to talk with Antonio again, which their relationship seemed to change. Possibly for the better. Antonio seemed to be too bothered with volleyball to flirt with y/n, which made Suga feel more at ease.

It was finally the last day of training camp with all the volleyball players. Karasuno seemed to feel more confident in themselves than before and Nekoma and Fukurodani felt the tension that was placed on them to help the other teams become lighter.

But as everyone was getting better and feeling happier about the future, y/n began to feel the shine in himself start to dim.

Happy conversations turned to short talks, cocky smiles turned to misty frowns, warm hugs turned to cold hearted slaps on the back. To Y/n it was a dark time. It felt like there was no light to shine anymore.

Suga quickly caught attention of this and tired his best to make the boy smile again but all attempts seemed to fail.






I opened my eyes to yet another cold day. Though it was summer, it seemed the weather had no control on how my body would register it. I shivered and shut off my phone. I sat up not wanting to open my eyes because I was scared to start my day. I covered myself in my blanket and yawned quietly.

After a few minutes of sitting in silence I decided I had no other choice but to get ready for the day. After all, it was only one more day, right? I can pretend just a little bit longer.

Once I took the covers off of my face and stood up I saw that Karasuno had already left the room and got ready. All of their blankets, pillows, and other belongings seemed to be either neatly put away or gone.

I looked at Suga's spot which was right next to me and sighed. 'What's the point..' I asked myself and went to get ready.

"Hey y/n-san!" I heard Hinata yell and walk into the bathroom where I was brushing my teeth. "D'ya just wake up? You know its already 12 pm right?"

I groggily looked up to be blinded by Hinata's sunny smile. It almost made me smile as well. But the dreadful feeling that something bad will happen if I do so caused me to keep my tired expression.

"Yeah." Was all I could say. My mind was too exhausted from over thinking to say anything more.

Hinata caught on to the fact that I was still very tired because he gave me a sympathetic smile before placing his hand on my shoulder, causing me to glance at him.

"You've been really distant and tired lately. What's going on?" Hinata worridly stared into my eyes.

I stared back debating whether or not to actually vent my feelings. As always, though, I decided against it. After all, it saves me the energy in trying to explain everything. Besides, not like he really cares anyways.

Nobody truly cares. That's just how society works. You don't matter unless your rich, famous, or beautiful.

"I'm fine Sho-san. Thank you for your concerns." I said walking away from the whole situation before he could drag it out any longer.

The while day went by as normal. I hung around Suga and Hinata for most of the day since they're my closest friends.

I couldn't help but notice this gross feeling weld into the pit of my stomach. It was like dread just kept filling up my insides making me more exhausted than usual.

Terushima had tried his best to try and talk to me, however, Suga or one of the other guys from Karasuno would stop him from getting anywhere. Only Suga knew about the incident that had happened but the other guys knew there was something wrong going on between me and Yuuji.

By the time for everyone to leave had rolled around, I was waiting in one of the seats in the back of the bus. Once everyone started piling on the bus, Suga decided to sit next to me. I was a little happy and grateful for that. He took the time to sit next to me. Someone who treated him like shit before.

And just as we got back to Karauno high, that same feeling filled my stomach. This time it twisted my insides until I couldn't handle it any longer. I ran off of the bus and before I could make it into the school l building, I bent over and all of my anxieties spilled for everyone to see.

I felt embarrassment shade itself on my s/c skin. The heat rose to my cheeks and ears. Years threatened to fall as I looked around at everyone. I fell to my knees in sheer panic. My heart was racing a million miles per second.

"Y/n! Are you okay ?!" I heard Suga's soft voice echo through my ears before I felt his equally soft hands grab my arm, lifting me from my knees.

I had no words for him. I didn't know how to explain this. How do explain a feeling that got so intense it made u physically ill? Why should he believe me anyways?

"You'll be fine.." He said helping me into the building.

Once everyone has disappeared to their homes all that was left was me and Suga. It kind of brought back memories from the first time we hung out.

The awkward aura between us was bad that day. The memory of Suga holding me cause me to smile softly.

"Hey, y/n-san, you feeling any better? I can walk you home if you'd like." I looked up at Suga. His same sweet smile made my cheeks erupt in red.

"I'm fine. Thanks. Besides, why would you waste your time on me. I've done nothing but be ride and mean with you." He stared at me for what seemed like forever.

"It wasn't just you, y/n-san. I was nasty with you too." I couldn't bare looking at him anymore. I didn't want to see guilt on his face when he had nothing to be guilty of.

"A walk home would be great, thanks." I said.

Koshi Sugawara x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now