ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟚

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I have the request page and first request done and ready for you guys in my Haikyuu X Male Reader oneshot book. If you want, you can head over there after this chapter and check it out.

The next morning, Sugawara woke up pretty late. All night long he was busy thrashing and turning. He could hardly sleep all night. When he opened his eyes he groaned loudly and made his way to the kitchen area to get something quick to eat.

When he opened the doors he saw (Y/N) sitting in a corner drinking what looked to be milk.

'Probably his vanilla milk again..' Suga thought to himself. His gaze was cut by a male running and bumping into his side. When he looked over to the rude person he saw Terushima.

Immediately he remembered what happened the day before and groaned loudly causing the people near by to look at him funny.

Terushima ran towards his lover in an almost cocky manner. Like he wanted to rub it in Sugawara's face that he had the petite boy and not him.

When he sat beside (Y/N), the smaller male huffed and continued drinking his vanilla milk. "Why're you all jumpy and happy today?" (Y/N) asked not making eye contact with his elder.

Terushima stared at the males face with a smirk.

"No reason, can't a man be happy to see his lover?" Terushima asked not really wanting an answer.

A small shiver rattled through the (E/C) eyed males spine. But he decided to just ignore it.

(Y/N) glared at Terushima as he stole his milk from him. "Seriously?" Was all he had to say for Terushima to make gagging noises before giving it back to the smaller male.

"You actually like this shit? It's fucking gross." Terushima's opinion aggravated (Y/N) a little bit. Maybe he didn't like it, but he didn't have to be rude about it. Everyone has different taste buds. A sigh escaped the (S/C) boys soft lips as he rolled his eyes.

Before Terushima could insult the younger's prefered drink any longer, Hinata's loud but warm voice yelled out to the first year.

"Hey (L/N)-san! What're you drinking?" He smiled and squeezed himself on the opposite side of you that Terushima sat.

(Y/N) smiled and ignored the groan that came from Terushima. "It's vanilla milk. Not that great I know." He laughed a little to himself.

Hinata protested and said, "If you like it, you like it. Who am I to judge?" (Y/N) smiled in response. "Hey, also not to get into your business but who's this?" He asked pointing to Terushima.

With that Terushima wrapped an arm around (Y/N)'s smaller form and smirked. He looked at the small tangerine male.

"I, kid, am this cuties boyfriend. Name's Terushima Yuuji." Said male squeezed the (E/C) eyed boys shoulder. (Y/N) shook the taller males arm off in slight discomfort. Terushima noticed this and decided to place his hand on the boys lap a little too close to a special place.

(Y/N)'s face immediately grew heated but he didn't want to draw attention to the situation so he just looked away from Terushima and stared at Hinata with begging eyes.

Koshi Sugawara x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now