ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

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A/N: First off, I'm gonna make you short in this story, like REALLY short. About 4'9 short. Lastly, I want to point out something very obvious but just in case no one knew, I am from America, and I know that the way schools work in America is very different from the way schools work in Japan. (As any other country as well) I also, have never been to a school in Japan (but I am going to Russia for college and highschool, yippie) and I do not want to get something wrong when it comes to the way schools work there, so I will be using a lot of the American school schedules in this story. Sorry and here's the third chapter.

The day dragged on with pointless lectures and teachers yelling at (Y/N) for "distracting the other students" even if he did absolutely nothing. The teachers usually blamed him when they didn't have someone to target.

(Y/N) also managed to not skip any of his classes that day, which was a huge surprise for not only the students in his classes he normally skipped, but also a surprise for his principal as he kept a close eye on the young boy.

(Y/N) didn't even realize that his thoughts where being clouded with Sugawara until his last hour teacher stopped in front of his desk and carried his weight on his hands as he leaned on the smaller males desk. (Y/N) jumped slightly, noticing his creepy ass teacher leaning on his desk in front of him.

"Jesus Christ! You fucking scared me." (Y/N) said, running his hand through his (H/C) locks.

His teacher payed no mind to the boy being startled. He only looked at the young male and stood up straight, writing something on the paper that was attached to his clipboard. "Day dreaming in class," he started speaking in his normal annoying deep voice. "Not a surprise."

(Y/N) rolled his eyes before the bell rang and all the students left from the classroom he was in. He too, grabbed his backpack and flew out the doors of his classroom, not before hearing his teacher yelling at him that he was giving him a warning, which he knew meant nothing.

His feet pattered on the school floor, before switching to concrete. He stopped in front of a fairly large building, just outside of the school. The front looked plain with a pair of dark doors for the entrance. (Y/N) leaned against the doors, trying to hear if anyone was inside or if this was just another joke one of his elders played on him. His breathing steadied as he faintly could hear a few boys yelling and shoes sliding across the floor. Once he heard the confirmation, he backed up and his heart began to repeat repeatedly.

He was more than nervous. He was scared. What if they were just like everyone else in the school? What if that third year, Sugawara, just wanted to tease him in front of all of his friends. And just as (Y/N) was about to turn away and leave, the two doors that lead to his death flew open allowing two males to exist. One was a fairly tall male with dark, straight hair. The other being a lot smaller than him. He had a mess of orange-ish locks growing from his head. (Y/N) froze, unable to say or do anything. His heart beater faster knowing his death was coming soon.

Just as (Y/N) was about to faint, he heard the shorter male of the two speak up in happy, cheery tone. "Hello! Are you joining the volleyball team?!" He asked in a bit too much of an annoying tone. The boy jumped down the steps, greeting me and placing my hands in his own eagerly. "Ooh, how tall are you?! You seem pretty short, must be like 5'0." He shouted and scared the living christ out of (Y/N).

"U-Uhm- I'm-" the boy was interrupted by the taller of the three.

"Hinata, leave him alone, he doesn't want to talk to you, you know." (Y/N) sighed after the red head let go of the smaller males hands.

"I just wanna know stupid Kageyama..." The boy, Hi na ta, said pouting.

(Y/N) sighed again before looking at Hinata and Kageyama. "I'm 4'9." He said before pushing past the two. "I'm supposed to meet Sugawara, do you guess know where he is by any chance?" The two males looked at each other before bowing down repeatedly in a respectful manner, asking the boy for forgiveness. The boy was shocked and very uncomfortable.

Koshi Sugawara x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now