ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜

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When (Y/N) made his way in his apartment he shared with his mother, he took in a deep breath, smelling the dangerously satisfying scent of weed. He knew he'd be smelling like weed for the night, so he didn't bother taking a shower, instead saving it for the morning. He went straight to his room, luckily sneaking past his intoxicated mother.

With a plop, he landed on his bed face first. He groaned loudly but made sure it wasn't too loud to not disturb his mothers whore session. She had 3 guys over for the second time this week to probably sell and buy drugs. And that's if he was lucky.

She could very well be prostituting herself again. She was no stranger when it came to prostitution so it wouldn't surprise him.

(Y/N) rolled over, his eyes narrowed in thought as he glared at the ceiling. Memories invaded his mind. The times when they were in America and his father was there. When they were one big happy family. Before his father decided to move to Japan and leave them in the dust to fend for themselves with nothing. The times before he had to get 3 different jobs just to be stable. The times when his mother provided for him instead of him providing for her.

"A 'thanks' would've been perfect.." (Y/N) grumbled to himself thinking of how his mother treated him despite always being there for her. Tears began to run down his cheeks and his heart began to slip a few heartbroken beats as his mind wished for happier times. He knew no one was listening. There was never a sign anyone was.

(Y/N) sat up and wiped away any stainful tears that planted themselves on his pinkish cheeks. He sighed walking over to his ash stained desk and picked up one of the previously rolled blunts. His hand darted into his back pocket, unable to find the lighter he so desperately needed. Without a second thought he dug his hand into his front pocket to find it.

The relief of knowing that he wouldn't have to bribe some weird middle aged man to buy him another lighter soothed his mind and he put the butt of the blunt into his mouth. His small hand covered the end that stuck out of his mouth while the other hand lit up the lighter and gently tucked the fire underneath the tip, waving it around softly until the small roll-up set ablaze.

(Y/N) huffed a few times, letting the deadly smoke linger a few seconds before exhaling. He did this a few times before deciding to mope about. His feet shuffled against the old wooden floor, a few creaks being heard throughout the room.

Once his mind was at ease, he began to think about Sugawara. His dear "senpai". He laughed a little to himself, allowing the events that had previously happened that day to cloud his mind. He thought of ways he could've acted cooler and smoother. How he could've just prevented it all from happening if he had just declined.

He smiled to himself, deciding to save the rest of the blunt for a walk in the park. He gently tapped the little end of the tiny roll up on his desk before grabbing his phone from his backpack and checking the time: 9:10 pm.

(Y/N) hummed softly before he coughed up the air in his burnt lungs that he abused every so often. He cleared his throat and tucked his phone into his back pocket. He grabbed the little bud from his desk along with the lighter that had previously lit it up and set them both in his front pocket. He paced back and forth a few seconds before gently creeping open his bedroom door. He listened to the silence that had filled his room before quickly making his way out of his room. He obviously didn't want to be caught by his mother. He didn't even want to see her right then.

The sound of cricket's and cicadoidea's filled the over thinking mind of (Y/N)'s. The shuffling of feet against concrete and every so often dirt and rocks also making its way into the back of his mind. The blunt he had continued to smoke hung loosely between his plump lips and his fingers closing in on it as they brought it away from his mouth as he hugged in and held his breath for a few seconds before deciding to release the tension in his chest.

The moon shined brightly against his (s/c) skin. Before he could release the smoke that was buried in his chest, his ears were filled with a surprised teenaged males voice yelling out to him.

"(L/N)-san! Hey (L/N)-san! Is that you?" He looked up to see Hinata running towards him.

He panicked and hid the blunt behind his back as Hinata made his way towards him. Immediately Hinata asked him what was wrong, only to receive no answer. By this point (Y/N)'s face began to go purple from holding his breath too long.

Hinata took note of this but continued to talk. "Hey I was just taking a jog when I saw you!" Hinata began to go off topic and looked around.

(Y/N) took this as an opportunity to release the smoke from his throat. As he did this, however, Hinata looked back at him and saw the smoke leave his mouth. He grew suspicious and asked more questions.

"What was that? Were you just smoking? Is that weed I smell?" All of his questions caused (Y/N) to get sweaty with nerves.

He tried to shake off every question like it was nothing. But Hinata knew something was up. He stepped closer to the shorter male and took a quick whiff. Immediately he pinched his nose with his two fingers yelling at him.

"I knew it! You smell like weed (L/N)-san!"

(Y/N) groaned trying to deny the allegation. "It's not what you think Hinata.." (Y/N) said.

Hinata took hold of his arm and swung it around so the blunt that was sat gently between his fingers was on display.

"'It's not what you think' my ass." Hinata said, looking down at the small bud.

(Y/N) sighed defeated. "Fine. I was smoking."

"You know that's bad for you right?" Hinata simply asked.

(Y/N) grew annoyed at the question he always received when someone told him that smoking was bad for you. "No shit Sherlock."

"Then why?" Hinata looked at him kindly.

These two words clouded (Y/N)'s mind, running in circles. 'Why?' To be honest, he didn't even know why. All he knew was that it was his only release. The only thing to make him feel safe and good. The only thing he could do to help him go on with every passing shitty day.

Hinata sighed before smacking (Y/N)'s hand making the roll slam to the ground. And if that wasn't enough, he stepped on it, causing (Y/N) to wince.

"What the fuck?! That was 10 fucking dollars bro!" (L/N) yelled, clearly pissed off.

Hinata only frowned. He couldnt help but wonder what was going through his newly found friends mind to cause him to smoke something as dangerous as marijuana. He, without thought, closed the gap between the two, causing (Y/N)'s bickering to come to a halt. Hinata hugged (Y/N).

And (Y/N) didn't know what to do. He was so touch deprived any touch from anyone caused him to go completely red. He could barely handle the slight touch of hands with Sugawara earlier that day, let alone a full on hug from a guy he had just met only a few hours before. Subconsciously, he hugged back.

Hinata pulled away first to (Y/N)'s dismay. Even though he was touch starved, he still enjoyed those few seconds of a hug.

"Sorry, I have a habit of touching people randomly.." Hinata said, rubbing the back of his neck.

(Y/N) looked at him in confusion as to why he was apologizing but quickly dismissed it saying that "It's fine" and, "I liked it anyways."

They spent a good hour or so just walking around the park sharing a few laughs and jokes every so often. By the time (Y/N) checked his phone it was already 12 am and he grew anxious.

He started to become jumpy and when he finally told Hinata the time, Hinata panicked and ran off after saying his goodbyes. (Y/N) jogged towards his apartment building. When we stepped foot into the apartment, it was quiet. Eerily quiet.

He swallowed the lump that built up in his throat when he heard his mothers quietly sob to herself.

He looked over to where the kitchen was and saw his mother looking longingly into a glass cup filled with liquor with tears rolling down her cheek. He sighed quietly and tip toed to his room.

The rest of the night consisted of (Y/N) searching for a new job. A long night to a stressful day. It was his normal.

1543 words

Koshi Sugawara x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now