ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟞

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"You're so goddamn worthless! You ugly piece of shit!" Y/n's mother's words flew out of her mouth like poisonous honey.

She threw bottles at the boy as he tried his best to dodge all of her attempts at hurting him. "I knew I should've left you..."

The male stared at the woman who gave birth to him and his heart sank. Even though this was a typical situation for him, it never failed to hurt him.

The woman, who was tired from throwing bottles and other shit at the boy then stared angrily at her son.

"I'm sorry..." Was all y/n could say before he stormed out of his apartment building.

The reason they were fighting? Y/n's mother noticed the flirty texts y/n and Suga had been sending each other. And the idea that not only is her son and outcast and no-good, but he was also homosexual, something she was always taught was the worst thing to be.

Then a fight broke out between mother and son. She tried to throw punches at the male and he tried his best to dodge them. However, she wasn't done there, she then picked up empty or half empty alcohol bottles that were laying about and threw them at y/n. As if he wasnt anything but a punching bag.

When he stormed out of his shared apartment building, his mother had followed him with a bag in her hand. Y/n turned around to stop her from doing anything terrible.

"Take your shit and get the fuck out of here! I don't want you here, stay the fuck away from me you disgusting shit." She said throwing a bag he assumed was full of his clothes. Only a few of them he assumed by the empty feeling of the bag.

He quickly grabbed the bag and hesitantly trotted off to no where. 'Where the hell am I supposed to go..' Y/n thought of places to sleep for the night as he felt shivers go down his spine.

He held onto the hem of his hoodie he was wearing. Not only was he kicked out of his apartment, but that night was particularly cold. Just as he thought it wouldn't be able to get any worse.

About an hour of walking around town trying to figure out where to go and stay, at least for a night, he decided on sleeping under a bridge. Sure it was cold, and he knew he wasn't going to get any sleep that night, but at least the view was beautiful.

It was like whenever he needed it most, mother nature seemed to always be there to cheer him up.

"What a lousy life..." Y/n's sighs softly as he clenched his chest tightly. The broken feeling in his chest didn't seem to want to go away. Usually it would've vanished by then but this time it was different.

The karasuno student sighed softly. That night was a rough one. Of course, he got no sleep, but not only that, the cars on the bridge above him kept splashing through puddles causing y/n to become soaked.

That day when y/n walked into the school building, he made sure to go earlier than most students so he could wash up without people staring at him.

Once he was done brushing his teeth he changed his clothes only being able to change his shirt as he had no other pants. He realized he only had 3 school shirts and one pair of pants. Luckily he did have 2 pairs of boxers as well. He sprayed himself with the half empty bottle of axe his mother randomly threw into his bag.

Before the school bell rang y/n plugged his phone in one of the outlets in the back of the class.

Once school began, all the students flooded into the classroom and the school day began as usual.

During Lunch, Suga decided to hang out with y/n when he noticed the male looked dirty. When he asked, y/n just ignored him and tried to change the subject. Almost immediately Suga could tell that something was off, but decided it was best to ignore his gut feeling for the moment.

"Hey l/n-san, I wanna talk to you after school, is that alright with you?" Suga asked looking everywhere but at the outcast. Y/n glanced up at him, the tiredness clear in the bags under his eyes, and nodded his head before looking back down at his desk and at the paper he was given for homework that night.

Y/n figured it was best to do his homework now so he could use the time out of school to look for a job.

Suga glanced at the younger as he nodded and sighed softly in relief. He was A little scared he'd diss his advances to be alone with him.

Once the bell rang to announce the end of the day, y/n packed up his only belongings and made his way out of the classroom. The small male remembered Suga wanted to talk to him so he decided to stop by the volleyball gym room and waited for the boys to get there before heading off to the library to look for a job. Once they arrived, Suga stopped in front of y/n. He looked nervous and a little scared.

"Hey Suga, what's up?" Y/n asked. Sugawara looked at the smaller then down at his feet.

Suga looked at him and spoke sweetly. "I'll tell you as well walk home." And with that, Suga announced he wasn't feeling well to his teammates and began to walk home with y/n.

On the way there, they had to cross the bridge that y/n knew all too well. That night was a perfect setting. The water under the bridge reflected all of mothers nature feelings. The calming currents stayed softly as Suga stopped and stared down towards the calming water.

Curious, y/n stood next to the older male and stared softly into the waves. Suga looked over to the male and decided now was the time.

"I really need to tell you something.." Suga trailer off looking away and rubbed the back of his neck in attempt to hide his nerves from his Kouhai. Y/n nodded giving a soft but tired smile. Suga glanced at the boy and sighed. "I really like you. More than a friend, and definitely more than just someone I'm quote on quote babysitting." Suga gained the courage and looked at y/n with the little bit of confidence his mind could muster up.

"Please go out with me!" Suga quietly yelled as he stuck his arms out, revealing a small box of chocolates he managed to hide from y/n.

Y/n, obviously in awe, stared blankly at his senpai. He was completely speechless. "I.." Was all the small boy could say before being completely interrupted by his elder.

"I-I completely understand i-if you don't feel the same way, I-I just really wanted to confess to y-you-" and before Suga could even finish his own sentence he was cut off as well. But this time, not by words, but instead by a pair of lips making their own statement with his own soft ones.

He of course, kissed back, dropping the box of chocolates and wrapped his arms around y/n's waist, pulling him closer.

The two just stayed there, in each others arms, the kiss lasting what felt like to the two, an eternity. Once they pulled away, mainly because of oxygens sake, y/n panted softly. "Stupid Senpai, always getting to conclusions before letting anyone else speak.." Suga stared lovingly into y/n's e/c eyes.

"Well then.. What's your answer?"

Y/n just smiled softly before giving Suga a much shorter kiss. "It's obviously a yes, dumbass.."

1327 words

Koshi Sugawara x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now