ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙

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Привет, so I think I'm gonna make a Haikyuu X Male Reader oneshot book. Would you read it? Would you request oneshots?

The next few days the two older boys kept their distance from (Y/N) with Antonio only trying to talk to him twice a day. Every time he'd try, however, (Y/N) never answered back. Only pretended to listen to what the male was saying.

Suga tried his best to pay no mind towards his kouhai. He knew the boy needed some space and he knew that (Y/N) was upset at him as well. And he didn't want to worsen the situation between them any more than he already has.

Whenever he did see (Y/N) it was simply to check in on him for the whole "agreement" thing he had going. (Y/N) always felt awkward when this happened. He never knew what to do or say.

As time passed, (Y/N) seemed to disappear every now and then. First he was gone for just a few seconds. Then seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours until finally he ended up just skipping all together for the whole day.

Nobody knew where he snuck off to. All they knew was that it definitely wasn't with Antonio as he's always practicing volleyball. Over the amount of time he wasn't using to obsess over (Y/N) he found volleyball to be quite fun. He even considered joining the team seriously and even wanted to be the setter.

This obviously made Kenma a bit nervous but once he knew that he didn't have to do as much anymore, he felt fine.

As Antonio was busy with volleyball stuff he failed to notice the change in (Y/N)'s presence. This of course angered Sugawara.

How did Antonio of all people, not know where his beloved was? How did he not notice his disappearance either? Suga's face grew irritated as he watched the other male set the ball for Yamamoto.

Daichi looked back and fourth between Suga and Antonio before sighing. He knew somewhat of how Suga felt. After all he himself had a crush on a girl who was too oblivious to even notice him back in grade school. (Idk if this is true, probably not, I just added it because I can.)

Daichi squatted next to his friend and stared at his teammates, Nekoma's teammates, and Fukurodani's teammates all practice with each other. He could see Hinata doing his signature jump before smacking the ball and making it slam harshly against the shiny gym floor.

"Why're you all murder mode on Antonio now?" Daichi decided to break the eerie silence.

Suga glanced at Daichi before sighing himself. "Why hasn't he noticed?"

Daichi looked at Sugawara with a questioning gaze. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean, why hasn't Antonio noticed (L/N)-san's disappearance? He of all people should be the first to notice right?" Suga asked before finishing. "After all he's basically just a parasite to (L/N)-san."

That answer caused Daichi to chuckle a little before quickly going quiet. He got quiet because he then realized just how frequent (Y/N) has gone missing. He never played much attention to the boy himself so he never really noticed his disappearance. This made the captain think.

'Have I just been blind all this time..? Why haven't I noticed..?' His mind was racing.

Sugawara caught onto this and was quick to butt in.

"Let me guess, you haven't noticed either?" It was more of a statement than a question itself. Daichi knew this but decided to answer anyways.

"Honestly, no. I haven't. I don't think anyone else has either." Daichi said as he guiltily looked at Suga.

Koshi Sugawara x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now