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The last school bell rings and now the class is finally over. I lean on my seat as the others packed their backpacks.

Why would I do the same? I didn't even use my notebooks the whole class let alone write a single thing on it. It's too tiring, I could still do it at home anyway.

I rest my foot unto the table making a loud thud as I yawned in boredom.

Beomgyu is right beside me doing the usually smug face he gives me every single time I do unbefitting things. 

"You look like a delinquent when you act like this,  Sit properly and don't lean like that you look like you're trying too hard to look cool. " Beomgyu sighs.

" What do you mean? It's comfortable this way." I continued to sit. I'm the Hyung after all.

" Let him be Beomgyu-sshi, he looks super cool! " Kai, the youngest of my friends compliment my unbotheredness. He's from abroad but I didn't mind his behavior. 

It's his first year in Korea.

" Do as you please, I'm warning you. What would Ryujin think if she saw you acting like this? " Beomgyu crosses his arms still sitting poised.

"She isn't here, so what?"  I scoffed at him.

"E-excuse me? Is Yeonjun here?" A familiar voice made me withdraw my legs in an instant as an attempt to change my sitting position. Beomgyu covers his mouth and chuckles.

It was Ryujin coming to pick me up from class as usual.

Ryujin has been my childhood friend ever since diapers. We make it a constant thing to walk home after school. On the other hand...

Footsteps that also followed that of Ryujin starts to grind my gears. Just looking at his presence pisses me off.

Choi Soobin, 16 years old and a high school hotshot. During middle school, he suddenly changed and became one of the most popular people in school. And now I have to bear the most excruciating thing every day, which is walking home with Ryujin AND him. 

When we were still kids we used to be so close just like siblings. Now Soobin manages to irritate me whenever he even talks especially to Ryujin. How could an angel like her still hang out with a know-it-all boy like him? 

Me, Soobin, and Ryujin have been neighbors for a long time so people keep wondering if we are siblings. And the answer is no, even though we live on the same block or walk home all the time it isn't like that. 

Nothing sticks out more than Soobin out of all of us. He's talented. 

He is the student council representative of our batch. I can't deny it, the guy is smart and laid-back but he treats me like some sort of idiot. I hate him, I hope he leaves me and Ryujin alone and walk off to his cool classmates or whatever.

I sigh before making a playful face in front of Ryujin. " Ryujin~ You've come to pick me up? "

 I say to her sweet innocence. She smiles at me warmly and bows to my friends. What a polite person I continue to mentally compliment her. 

" Hello everyone, we'll be off now," She says cheerfully to Beomgyu and Kai. The two friends nod to her as well. Soobin leans his back outside the classroom looking as calm as ever ignoring me. 

"What a jerk." 

We then proceeded to walk home. Ryujin was always so clueless that I and Soobin hate each other mutually but we never really addressed it.

Maybe it's because we both care for Ryujin and we don't want to cause any trouble for her. 

Instead, we shrugged each other off like each one of us didn't even exist and take turns talking to her like it was a formality between us. We' ve grown apart from each other I guess. 

"So, how was your day Ryujin?" I ask her.

"It was fine I guess, I did land a spot for the cheering team!" Ryujin laughed.

" That's great, " Soobin smiles to her making her happy. I give him a disgusted look and he scowled at me without saying anything.

We both look away making Ryujin feel confused about the mood. 

Ryujin came to a halt stopping both of us on our tracks. She giggles grabbing the handles on her bag as her yellow uniform flowed unto the breeze from her movement.

"Oh, I guess we're here." Ryujin interrupts my thoughts and runs at the front of her home and looks at both of us with a last welcoming smile.

I didn't even notice we were home so I just waved goodbye and walked to my house as Soobin paused in place with his hand in his pocket. He looks at me with a melancholic stare.  

 I look back at him in response. He looks...Sad. 

Am I seeing this right? Or is it just he looks like this all the time? I'm not sure but it's a look I find him making. I know Soobin, but I doubt I know him now.

I have so many questions in my mind but I never bothered to ask him. Maybe because if I did, it would ruin his image as an elite.

I doubt anyone would have thought we used to be really close. But now he's bitter towards me.

It'd surely spark some rumors around the school and it won't sound good.

 Just talking to him contradicts to my whole inevitable nature as someone people hate.

But it doesn't matter, I can still show those dumbasses whose boss with my fist.

Me the troublemaker and him the Inspiring youth. 

"Bah!" I cringe at the thought of it.

But things like being friends with him was a long time.

I could never figure out anything about him cause we haven't talked personally in middle school. 

He's become so distant to me and I kinda want to know why. But he still sticks around. He's not interested in Ryujin is he?

I simply can't let that happen to Ryujin! Not my Ryujin!

 It could be his posh reputation or  I simply ruin that for him. He's part of the student council who would have guessed?

"What the hell happened to you Soobin? I wish I knew." 

I look away from him without a word and went inside.

Child's Play ~Yeonbin~ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now