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" Yeonjun! There you are!" Beomgyu ran to him. Kai followed.

Yeonjun looked much better compared to this morning.

" Beomgyu, Kai" Yeonjun noticed the two boys.

" Ryujin was looking for you. She said she wanted to talk. " Kai smiled at him.

"Oh she was? I guess it is getting kinda late."

" She was with Soobin though. I think they went home. " Beomgyu scratched his head.

Soobin's with her? So he WAS avoiding me.

" Ok, I guess I'll be  leaving too." Yeonjun hurriedly ran away, hoping to find them both still walking at the same routes.

The sun was setting a pink hue. Not a single soul was found.

I guess they've finally left. Yeonjun walked home alone instead feeling a bit disappointed. He sighs.
He was hoping he could finally talk to Soobin about everything.

But Yeonjun wasn't about to give up.

He runs as fast as he could to his house and finds Soobin's place. It looks like Ryujin finally entered her home and Soobin too.

Soobin's house looked really nice, they had a wonderful garden and white painted fences that surrounded the house.

Yeonjun gathered up his strength and knocked on the front door. He hoped for the best.

The door opened, Yeonjun felt  nervous but he has to be confident for the sake of their friendship.

It's too late to back down now.

As soon as the door opened, Yeonjun  was greeted by a revolting stench of booze. It was Soobin's step-father who answered the door.

He was a towering man much like Soobin but he wasn't as tall as the latter. He had an unkempt beard and household slippers. He also carried a bottle in his hand.

"Who the hell are you?" The old man told him.

Did his Mom date another man after his Dad died?   

" I-err I'm Choi Yeonjun, your neighbor's son. I'm very good friends with Soobin. Can I ask him to come over for tonight?"

" Didn't imagine that fucker would have friends. " The man looked confused. He yawns and chugs the bottle before letting out a refreshed expression.

" Is he here by any chance? "

" He went out to buy drinks. You see that bastard looks exactly like his father. He can easily sneak into the shop with his father's I. D. and get me something to drink without being declined." Soobin's step dad laughed.

Yeonjun smiled but it was evident in his eyes that he was uncomfortable.

Soon, Yeonjun heard footsteps from behind. It was Soobin with two plastic bags in his hands full of beers.

He casually walked into the entrance until he met eyes with Yeonjun at his front door conversing with his Step-dad.

"Well,well, look who found a friend." Soobin's Step-father laughed mockingly at him. Soobin didn't look impressed at Yeonjun.

"Why are you here?" Soobin asked annoyed.

" Would you hurry up? I'll beat your ass if you don't hurry. I need my booze!" Soobin's father blurted out in a drunken slur.

" I'm asking you to come over at my house." Yeonjun glared at Soobin.

" I'm not interested." Soobin carried on and walked by him. He gave the plastic bags to his Step father.

" I need you! "

" Huh? " Soobin paused.

Is he actually making an excuse for me?

" Who is it honey? Oh, it's Yeonjun! You look so grown up! " Soobin's mother interrupted walking up to the door while she wiped her hands with a towel.

"M-Mom! I-" Soobin looked embarrassed.

" Hi Soobin's Mom! I just want to ask if I could borrow Soobin for a sleep OVER. I promise I'll return him tomorrow. "

" Oh, Soobin that's great! Why don't you come with him? It's the weekend. tomorrow. I'll help you with your clothes." Soobin's Mom quickly walks inside.

"Wait! Mom-" Soobin tries to reach for her but it was too late. Yeonjun has the upper hand.

" Ugh, why do you even want a sleep over?" Soobin looked angry at him.

" Because I want to! It's just a harmless sleep over how bad can it be?"

" Here you go. " Soobin's Mother cheerfully handed him his bag. Soobin looked concerned.

"Will you be okay?" Soobin asked in worry.

His mother nods and hugs him. " It's only just for a night sweetie. I'll see you tomorrow."


Soobin scowled at Yeonjun as they walked inside his house. Yeonjun's Mom looks out from the kitchen. It looked like she was cooking dinner.

" Soobin? Is that you?!" Yeonjun's mother looked shocked to see how big Soobin has gotten.

Yeonjun's father was watching the TV from the couch. He waves at the young man making him feel welcome.
" Soobin, long time no see!" Yeonjun's father smiled.

Soobin bowed politely.

" Mom, I'm taking him upstairs!" Yeonjun and Soobin walked up to the stairs and entered his room.

Soobin was already familiar with the place. But since he's stayed away from it for so long,  It looks so different compared to  the room they both liked to play in when they were just mere toddlers.

The room sure does bring back alot of childhood memories.

Soobin placed his bag unto the floor. Yeonjun closed the door and sat on the bed patting beside him to gesture Soobin to sit with him.

" Come on, it's just a bed."

" Why did you invite me?"

"Cause you're avoiding me."

So he did noticed. Soobin thought.

" Why are you trying to stay away from me? Is it something I did?" Yeonjun looked anxious.

"It's not."

Yeonjun looked at Soobin who lowered his head .

" I'm surprised you're still talking to me. You looked really happy with your new friends and I feel like you don't have to worry about me. I don't want you mixed up in all this mess. " Soobin frowned.

"Why would I hate you? I just misunderstood you and I'm sorry it came to that." Yeonjun sighed.

Soobin looked back at Yeonjun. Yeonjun was always the persistent type. When he wants to do something, he just does.

Soobin feels guilty for ignoring him. Yeonjun would never really hate him for no reason at all.

" Soobin... I want to know you. Tell me everything and I will listen." Yeonjun said with comfort in his eyes.

He smiles at Soobin knowing he wants to be trusted by him again like old times sake.

Soobin felt a slight warmth in his chest. That burning  sensation that Jungkook described previously had sparked up again.

Soobin felt it again, but this time his heart was pounding loudly.

Child's Play ~Yeonbin~ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now