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I open the door to the house with a smile on my face. 

" Where the fuck is that boy?!" My step father's voice resonates within the walls. 

I quickly put away my bag. I think he's drunk again. 

This is the life I live behind closed doors. I live with my mother and my step-father. Not actually sure if I could call him a father or a sadistic human being. I hear my mother sobbing again. I hurried to the kitchen where she might be and found her being shouted at by my irrate step-father. 

How did she fall in love with such a man? I cannot imagine. 

I go in between them and glared at my step-father. " If you needed me you didn't have to yell at mom." I calmly spoke to him gathering myself and spreading my arms protecting my mother.

" Honey, it's ok we were just having a small argument." My mom fake smiled. But I know what was going on.

I clenched my fists but looking at mom's face...

I realized this is the man she fell in love with, nothing I can do is of use after she grieved my real father's death.

It was like she stopped thinking for herself all of a sudden and just entered into an unhealthy relationship.

She met my step-father when I entered middle school out of grief and gave herself away to this man. Now every day for me is a living hell. He's lucky I didn't run away or contacted authorities.

 That's because I love my mother and I don't know what she'll do if she loses him. So I kept my mouth shut.

I even distanced myself from my friends. 

" There you are! Here, take this and buy me some beer, and a couple of cigarettes too!" My alcoholic step-dad said with his drunken breathe.

I shook my head. " I'm sorry but they won't sell to minors." 

He looked annoyed and threw the coins to my face. I flinched as the bills fell unto the floor and the quarters chimed.

While I was still blinded he hit me with a belt making me groan. 

" You think you're so smart! " He angrily whipped me with his belt. My mom held his arms but she was too weak to stop him. I bit my lip but then again I was used to it.

That painful feeling of scars forming on my arms and my back. The feeling of being punched on the stomach.

Every day it was hell. 

He knows people will notice so he never bruised or hit my face, How clever.

After he was done with me he stormed off as my mother knelt and covered her mouth with her palms and touched my face in shame. The kitchen once again was silent.

By now she feels guilty, her tears says it all. But does she really love me when she cries?

Why does she stay with this man? Who beats his son and screams at his wife like mere slaves?

Child's Play ~Yeonbin~ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now