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Confetti pops in the background as the students cheered and drums played. It was the sports festival facilitated by the Student Council.

" Ahh, this is refreshing! Look Beomgyu it's the band!" Kai points his finger into the field.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes to the over enthusiastic boy. They both laughed and teased each other.

Yeonjun looked at the field and noticed the cheerleading team is finally going to do their routine.

He scans the stage for Ryujin. Ryujin quickly noticed him and waved.

"Guys! It's Ryujin! " Yeonjun cheerfully called out the two boys beside him.

Yeonjun waved excitedly and gave her a thumbs up.

Ryujin and the others started dancing. The crowd goes wild and cheers them on. Yeonjun howled.

During the whole performance, the two trainers stope the show. The crowd cheered like there was no tomorrow.

"Wow, that Hoseok and Jimin guy really did a great job training them." Beomgyu looked surprised.

A voice interrupts.

" There you are Yeonjun! I was looking all over for you!" Taehyung laughed. Beomgyu and Kai were confused.

How did Yeonjun get so close with a senior? Kai thought.

" Oh, you guys this is Taehyung-sshi, he's a second year. " Yeonjun laughed and introduced his Hyung.

" Hi there, I'm a representative from my batch. I think we have more room. Mind if my friend sat here? " Taehyung shook both their hands.

"Sure... " Kai gulped. He hasn't seen such a beauty like Taehyung before.

" Hey, Tae? Can you scooch over?" Jungkook arrives and sits with them.

" J-J-Jeon Jungkook?!" Beomgyu yelled.

" Oh hi, I've heard about you from Yeonjun." Jungkook laughed.

"W-well, I' ve heard about you from practically everyone in class." Beomgyu looked starstruck.

"I'm sorry if it's a bit sudden, I just happened to meet them both by accident." Yeonjun scratched his head and looked at Beomgyu and Kai.

The two Hyungs cheered and held their drinks for the players. They certainly looked really attractive but they act like they are down to earth ,they acted like young'uns than the three best friends.

Beomgyu and Kai ended up looking at them. Yeonjun shrugged.

The stadium was noisy and now the intermitions are finished.

" I have to go for awhile dongsaengs, mind if I leave Jungkook with you? The student council is needed for the back stage." Taehyung pardoned himself.

" Ok, be back soon" Jungkook smiled.

Taehyung smiled back.

Yeonjun loved the event because people were enjoying it. But something felt a little off, Soobin isn't anywhere. He tried searching for him but he couldn't find him in this sea of people.

" Something wrong Yeonjun?" Jungkook asked. He sensed the younger mood,he looked like he was searching for something among the people.

He kept gazing in every directions.

" Oh, I'm just trying to search for my best friend."

"Hmm? Maybe he's somewhere in the crowd. " Jungkook tilted his head.

Child's Play ~Yeonbin~ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now