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Yeonjun ran as fast as he could. He finally arrived panting and holding his knees.

He had concern in his eyes and a sweaty forehead. He didn't waste any time and quickly raced to Soobin's home.

The house looked the same, but in Yeonjun's mind, a victim of abuse is inside waiting for him. Everything Soobin told him is all a big lie.

How he's staying strong for his mother. How he loves his mother regardless of the pain. It's all a big facade to drive Yeonjun away from his dangerous Step-father.

Yeonjun wasn't so sure of it himself at first but it was all so clear to him now.

Soobin has been lying the whole time.

Yeonjun looked back at when he said that he was ok but obviously he wasn't.

It was evident that inside that house was chaos. It sounded like there was roaring. He could hear the voices inside like there was fighting going on. Yeonjun didn't think this through.

I can't let Soobin be like this, I need to help him, I'm not just his protector anymore. I want to save him.

He gathers what little courage he has and knocked loudly on the door. No one was eager to answer it.

Yeonjun tried banging on the door even more loudly.

No one still answered.

Moments later he heard a big bang reminiscent of a gunshot and a faint thud.

And there was silence...

Yeonjun's eyes opened wide in response to that sound. His breathe getting heavier. His fingers scratching at the entrance even forming small abrasions on his fingertips.

"Soobin? Soobin are you ok?! Soobin please! Open the door!" Yeonjun hit the door many times in pure desperation. His eyes emanating fear and his legs trembling.

Each scream he let out came out small. Nobody could hear him nor did Soobin. He felt helpless.

But he didn't wanna give up. He kicks the door. The wood's hardness didn't matter, even if his legs would get broken in the end does not shake him.

What's important is Soobin. He needs to see him so badly, he possibly had been shot. Bad thoughts crept into Yeonjun's head.

The door collapses into the floor. Yeonjun gets introduced to a dark living room and flickering lights.

A man was lying on the floor.

Yeonjun looked around in place.

The lying man had the same scent of alcohol but his body was dead. It looked like he had just been shot at the chest.

Yeonjun, startled by the whole situation fell to his feet in fear. He turns to see the shooter.

His eyes formed tears. He crawls back. The room was dim which made it hard for Yeonjun to see.

The one handling a gun began to sob. A feminine voice beginning to cry as she breaks down into the floor, the shotgun falling from her blood stained hands and into the floor.

The living room started smelling like blood. A metallic and familiar smell mixed with the suffocating stench of cigars.

Yeonjun looked at her familiar face with tears dropping down into the pool that's trailing through the floor.

The river of blood reached his shoe.

Yeonjun looked at the dead body and looked at her. He gulped and realized the body was none other than the cruel step-father that Soobin resented.

Child's Play ~Yeonbin~ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now