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What is this? I feel a little tense. Yeonjun looked at Soobin.

"Dinners ready!" Yeonjun's Mom interrupted the heated conversation. Yeonjun looked a little disappointed that he had to be interrupted so abruptly.

" Coming!" Yeonjun yelled back.

" We should talk about this later." Soobin said standing up. The two awkwardly bumped their heads.

Soobin flinched.

" Ow! Sorry" Yeonjun hastily rubbed his forehead. He was swift with his movements and open the door leading Soobin out.

The two boys went down stairs and joined Yeonjun's parents at the table. Everyone was seated, the two boys were facing each other and the parents too.

Yeonjun's mom smiles at Soobin trying to make him feel welcome since he hasn't visited for a long time.

Soobin ate his food steadily. When he met eyes with Yeonjun, Yeonjun seemed to look a little bit dazed. They're utensils clanking in the background.

" You guys still go home together right? You know Yeonjun loves walking home with you. " Yeonjun's father giggles.

Yeonjun was about to sip from a cup but quickly coughed in response.

"D-Dad!" he coughs in embarrassment.

Soobin calmly replied. "Yes we still go home together."

Yeonjun's mother put away the dishes once they were done. The two boys walked upstairs and back to the room.

Yeonjun shyly closes the door with his back. He looks away with rosy cheeks, evident of his embarrassment.

Soobin grinned a little, he recalls Yeonjun as a child. When they were kids Yeonjun would have rosy cheeks if he was embarrassed and he never makes contact when he lies.

Just little things Soobin would notice.

" S-So you were saying?" Yeonjun asked in a flustered voice.

Soobin sighed. " I stopped talking to you because I was... Afraid."

Yeonjun looked at him with concerned eyes.

" I was afraid that you will be mixed up in this mess along with Ryujin. It was my problem to begin with not yours or Ryujin's" Soobin sulked.

Yeonjun sat beside the taller on the bed listening to him.

" The man on our doorstep is now my step-father, he's a drunkard and he's unemployed. He yells at my mother and hurts me physically."

" W-wha- why didn't you tell me?" Yeonjun looked even more worried for Soobin. He held the boys shoulders.

Soobin flinched, even gripping his shoulders meant pain. Yeonjun let go of them as to not touch his aching scars behind the garments.

" Sorry. " Yeonjun let go.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." Soobin replied.

" Soobin, I would have helped you. Why were you so afraid to involve me in this? We're best friends aren't we? Me and Ryujin and everyone could help you."

"It's not that simple. My mother loves him too much. I can't do that to Mom."

" She loves him but does she love you enough to let him go?"

" Yeonjun..." Soobin trembled.

" Soobin, we are family, of course we'll be right here. If he hurts you it is simply not right. The least you could do is convince your mother and tell her exactly what's going on. "

Child's Play ~Yeonbin~ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now