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       【YEONJUN'S POV】

The shower head poured water unto my head. It was a bit of a shock that me and  Soobin finally warmed up to each other. Perhaps even more than  that.

I didn't think of it much, I hope our relationship isn't something that will affect us. I could understand where Soobin was coming from.

I've always known he was such a fathers boy. News came along when we were in elementary that Soobin's real father had died in a train accident.

But he didn't die in vain, he died because he saved a little girl who had fallen into the rails that day. Soobin's father was a great man, he was kind and jolly like how his son used to be.

Now that I think about it, he looked exactly like Soobin.

I fix myself up and wiped my face with a towel. I put on my t-shirt and dried my brown hair. Soobin was waiting for me on my bed with crossed legs.

He turns to look at me and gazes at me with a smile on his face. I smile back at him and walked closer to him as he pecked my lips.

I didn't think Soobin liked kissing. But now that we're dating I guess, now I know.

I used to think he had feelings for Ryujin, but I was wrong. I didn't know gender didn't matter to him too. As for myself, I didn't know I liked guys until Soobin kissed me.

I blush just thinking about it, I pressed my lips.

What would the people in school think of me now? Will they hate me or accept me?

But nows not the time to worry about that. Soobin is more in need than I do. I'm surprised my parent's haven't scolded me yet for almost being expelled from my school.

But as time went on while Soobin started ignoring me the past few weeks,my grades skyrocketed and I was able to focus on my studies.

Partially thanks to Taehyung-sshi for helping me by motivating me.

Soobin neatly folds his shirt and takes his backpack. It was really early but he said he needed to go urgently. Must be because he's probably worried for his mother.

I don't want to be that type of person but I wish he'd spent more time in my house. But I recollect myself and let him go back to his house just across my house and Ryujin's, I waved goodbye.

He hugged me and smiled. We both felt like we turned our differences aside and grown drawn to each other.

We fully acknowledge that we simply just misunderstood each other's problems and I'm happy he finally opened up to me.

I don't know why but something in my head screamed no you mustn't let him go back there.

I scanned his house, it looked so colorful and peaceful. They had bushes outside that stretched out from the back and green grass.

It looked like a happy one, at least that's what I remember when I used to visit Soobin as a kid.

His mother used to be really good friends with my mother, but now they seldom talk because she's always cooped up in the house and I rarely see her outside.

The last time I saw Ms.Choi outside was when it was Soobin's father's funeral. It was raining and she was crying until the break of dawn.

The parents of the little girl he saved offered their support too.

Soobin didn't cry that day, he looked like he was going to but he kept those feelings inside to try to be strong and comfort his mother.

He wanted to be a protector like me and his father because he always wanted to look up to us as someone whose strong and someone who can break boundaries.

A protector and a hero just like in the movies.

But to be honest, I look up to Soobin, now. He's the real protector, he's the real hero. I couldn't count how many times I was saved by him from those nasty students that push me around.

How much he cares if I suddenly got hurt is a sign that  that reveals his true nature.

The school's view of him as a model  is very justifiable. I just feel guilty that I chose to ignore those signs and deem him a miserable excuse for a dreamboat.

I sigh as I rest my back on the door I just opened  and observed him as he entered his home with a smile on his face.

I just wish I could help him and let him grow as a person. I want to repay my debt to him. He needs to snap out of this hero act and finally see that he's the real victim.

God knows what his step father is capable of doing to him and his mother in the long run.

I don't trust those bloodshot eyes and that repulsive breathe which reeked of alcohol. His voice was hoarse from all his smoking too.

I close the door and noticed my mother staring at me with concerned eyes.

" Whatever you do, don't go to that house. You don't know who that man is."

" Soobin's step-father?"

" He looks suspicious, I don't trust him."

" Me too."

" I hope Soobin's mother is ok." My mom held her hands together hoping for the best. My father entered the scene and he immediately read the whole vibe of the room.

" Let Soobin decide that for himself. I know his father, he was a man of good will and I am sure Soobin is the same. I know you'll take good care of him. "

I lit up as my father held my shoulder.
It was certain that he knew about me and Soobin.

"I really hope he's ok." I replied while my parents entered the living room.

Tomorrow's going to be the sports festival. I hope me and Soobin can cheer Ryujin on. I'll try my best to make him feel less alone that way he won't feel sad during the rest of the event.

I excitedly ran up the stairs and entered my room.

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