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Simpleton, dunce, loser, I hate this life. Yeonjun murmured to himself while taking off and leaving Soobin around.

Why does he even bother to stick with me?

Yeonjun wipes his bleeding lip and leaves the scene.

" There you are Binnie!" A voice interrupts Soobin's attention towards Yeonjun who had just stomped away.

"Oh Taehyun," Soobin replied.

" Who is that? You two seem close. Is he from the other section? "

" He's a close friend of mine... Maybe."

" Hmm, he looks familiar. You walk home with him right?"

"Yes." Soobin nods.

" Well, why didn't you introduce him to me?"

" I'm not good with introductions."

"Anyway, the hyungs need you in the office, I think the sports festival will be happening soon."

"Of course the meeting, I think I can still make it."

Taehyun laughs. "Let's go!" 

He leads Soobin to their destination.


Soobin opens the door. Inside were all the student council members seated. Each of which are from different batches from Freshman to Sophomores. The student council president notices his arrival.

He was writing down ideas for the event.

" Namjoon-hyung, pardon my tardiness. I had to deal with a student being bullied."

"Ahh, Soobin I was talking about the upcoming festival earlier. I thought you'd be early. "

"Yes about that, I am sorry." Soobin bows his head apologetically.

" It's ok Soobin no need to be too formal." Jin, the vice president laughed whilst patting his back.

" Next week will be the sports festival, I guess you guys are all aware that we will be having an opening ceremony followed by a cheerleading performance. "

Namjoon scribbles on the board.

" I guess after that the first games will start." Namjoon continued.

The 3rd year representative raises his hand.

" Yes, Yoongi? "

" How about we showcase the players too? Wouldn't they need to be recognized as well?  "

" You do have a point" Namjoon scribbles again. " I think this needs more time, I'd have to dismiss this today."

" I'd like to ask for everyone's cooperation. I'm going to introduce the dance trainers who will take part in this event. I hope we all work well."

Two boys in uniform enter the room. They both looked like they are from different batches.

One was tall and the other was shorter than him.

They both bow as the council members clapped.

" My name is Jung Hoseok, a third year same as your President. Nice to meet you all! "

Child's Play ~Yeonbin~ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now