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Soobin washed his hands. He looked at the mirror frustrated and somewhat feeling chills.

A guy beside him noticed his behavior. He didn't seem to look okay.

"Hey, are you alright?" The boy asked him.

"I'm totally fine, thank you. " Soobin rested his hands on the sink.

" I've seen you at the meeting. You're the youngest representative if I'm not mistaken." The guy chuckled while fixing his black obsidian hair at  the mirror.

" How did you know?" Soobin asked.

" I'm Jeon Jungkook, I'm a second year  that's in-charge of the stage concept art. We were at the same meeting yesterday. " The boy smiled at him. He held out his hand.

"Ah, I remember now. You were with that weird guy."

" That was Taehyung, haha."

Soobin gladly shook his hand.
" I'm Choi Soobin from Class A, nice to meet you. " he bowed.

" Nice to meet you too." Jungkook grinned.

"Not to be nosy or anything but, what was troubling you earlier? You look like you've seen a ghost." Jungkook tilted his head.

" Some sort of problem, with my friend and my *sigh* feelings. " Soobin held his nape anxiously.

" Why don't we take a walk and talk about it? " Jungkook led him outside the bathroom.


" You look like you've been through a tough time despite being well respected. "

Jungkook kicked a few stones on the way as he walked with Soobin carrying an almond milk carton while he carried a banana milk one. .

" I don't know how to express myself clearly. " Soobin frowned.

" Is it a really close friend?" Jungkook asked.

" Y-yes, you could say that. " Soobin scratched his head.

Jungkook squinted his eyes and looked at him making him confused. He smiles at him for no reason at all making him more puzzled.

" What? " Soobin paused.

" The situation you are in with your friend. Have you considered your feelings to be happiness when you're with them?"

" Well, I didn't think about that before but when I see him with me I feel happy I guess."

" Dig deeper Dongsaeng, there must be something more that you feel for this person. "

" To put it in words, I feel like my day isn't complete without him just standing there. I can't go on with my day without him and I just-- I care about him yet I hate him and it's really messing me up."

" Do you also feel your stomach churning when you're together with him? "

" Well--"

" Do you find yourself looking at him All the time? "

" Yes! What is up with that? " Soobin commented being relatable.

Jungkook bursts out in laughter.

" You know the answer already, why are you confused? You're funny Dongsaeng. " Jungkook giggled and tapped his shoulder as he walked off.

Child's Play ~Yeonbin~ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now