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" 1 2 3 4 and jump!" Jimin clapped his hands to the beat as the dancers spun.

" Let's have a short break, everyone, good job!" Hoseok smiled.

" That Jimin guy is so cute!" Chaeryoung commented holding her hips as sweat formed on her forehead.

" I'm so excited about the cheer dance next week!" Lia jumped up and down holding her hands with Yuna who squealed too.

" I'm going to spend my weekend relaxing before I'll ruin my skin again this Monday from all that dancing." Yeji stretched.

" Yeji, always so consistent with her skin routine. " Yuna commented.

" What about you Ryujin? Any plans this weekend? We can go shopping for new clothes! You've been wearing the same shirts lately. "Lia said before sipping her water.

" Oh I know, she's going on a date with that Yeonjun guy or maybe it's Soobin, the most popular kid in our batch? I'm jealous they look head over heels for Ryujin! " Yuna teased.

" Hahaha! It's not like that Yeji, we're just childhood friends the three of us." Ryujin laughed.

" If it isn't them, then who are you interested in? " Yeji asked.

" I'm more into... Really good dancers. " Ryujin sighed and looked at someone from afar.

The girls also followed her gaze.

Hoseok turned the speaker on and started popping and locking. He looked like a pro with his baggy jeans on.

Everyone looked at his fluid movements. The Third year certainly had a talent for dancing. The beats were on point.

Ryujin swooned.

" Jung Hoseok, the third-year dance trainer?" Yeji looked at Ryujin.

She looks really into him.

" I wish I'm brave enough to talk to him. I wonder if he likes short-haired girls, should I grow my hair out? " Ryujin pouted.

" It doesn't matter what hair you have." Yuna stopped Ryujin from frowning. " I'm sure he likes great dancers like you too."

" Well,  I'm not as good as the girls in his batch. I'm so jealous of  classmates that get to see him every day." Ryujin felt insecure.

" Talk about a woman's troubles. " Yeji sighed. 

Meanwhile, the boys were talking among themselves while break was going on.

" Jimin, where's Tae? " Hoseok asked.

" I think he got in trouble. Hahaha! " Jimin replied.

" Are you serious? What for? " Hoseok looked surprised.

" He arrived late this morning and the teacher punished him for it of course. He gave him two buckets with water in them but he watered the plants instead. " Jimin chuckled even more.

" That kid! " Hoseok laughed.

" Wait, isn't that him with that short-tempered first-year boy? " Jimin pointed at Yeonjun and Taehyung who were walking and having a conversation.

" I guess you're right. We should go and talk to him, its break time already." Hoseok insisted.

The two boys ran up to Yeonjun and Taehyung who were just passing by the court.

" Taehyung!" Jimin waved his hand amidst jogging with Hoseok to them.

" Oh Jimin! Hoseok-Hyung! " Taehyung responded. " Have you guys met Yeonjun? He's a really cool guy!" 

Jimin and Hoseok know Yeonjun already because of the rumors but Taehyung seems to like him so they shrugged it off. " Hi" Yeonjun bowed. 

He's not as bad as I've heard " I'm Hoseok, a third-year and this is Jimin a second year like Tae. I've heard stories about you from my classmates. They did very cruel things to you. I heard about it from the President, he took care of them and I'm sure they won't hurt you anymore. " Hoseok smiled.

" Really?" Jimin looked surprised. " That explains the bandages, I'm so sorry to hear that!" 

Yeonjun sighed, of course, he'd make a bad first impression. He's like a delinquent to everybody he meets. 

Yeonjun bowed politely. " P-Pleasure to meet you! I'm really sorry about that." 

" Hey, Ryujin it's that Yeonjun guy!" Yeji pointed to him as he was talking to Hoseok and the others. 

Ryujin looked over to Yeonjun, he looked like he was talking to Hoseok. She glows upon hearing the news. Since Hoseok and Yeonjun know each other it looks like she can now get a chance to talk to him in person.

" Wow, they really look close." Lia leaned in as Hoseok and Jimin waved goodbye to Yeonjun.

" That wasn't so bad, was it? Hoseok and Jimin are kind people. " Taehyung smiled.

" Yeah, it wasn't that bad." Yeonjun cheered up a little bit. He looked uneasy.

" You look sad, are you thinking of something?" 

" I have a friend problem." Yeonjun frowned.

" What happened?" 

" I'm a little anxious cause he's stopped talking to me in middle school. Now that I'm some sort of war freak he appears out of nowhere and then just leaves." 

Taehyung looked sternly at Yeonjun. Yeonjun looked back at him and listened to him.

" People, no matter how crazy or seemingly cold they are, need a friend. " Taehyung patted Yeonjun's shoulder reassuring him everything's ok.  " Maybe he just has a problem of his own. You may not know the whole story behind it." 

" The whole story?" Yeonjun looked intrigued. Maybe that was the answer he was looking for.

 In order for him to understand Soobin, he has to know Soobin's whole nature, what his problems are, and what made things go downhill for both of them. They haven't talked personally for years and bugs him so much. Maybe he needs to listen to Soobin. 

An idea pops up from his head. 

" That's it!" Yeonjun bounced spontaneously. 

Taehyung looked tilted his head.

" Thanks so much, Hyung for helping me figure it out!" Yeonjun says becoming motivated and ecstatic.

"Wait, where are you going?"

" I'm going to see my friend and talk things through!" Yeonjun dashed out of the court. 

Child's Play ~Yeonbin~ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now