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Yeonjun knows everyone looks down on him because he's a nobody. There isn't anything special about him than just being able to walk with Ryujin and Soobin to go home.

Yeonjun is a rule-breaker and he doesn't pay attention to what others think of him. He just fights back if he he's provoked.

His unbotheredness still doesn't fail to irritate the people who talk smack about him behind his back. They think he's too full of himself so they try their best to make his life miserable.

" What a dickhead, what's so special about you that Ryujin walks home with you? ." Yeonjun gets pushed down into the hard cold pavement of the school. The pain making him  groan. His palm looks scraped.

"Not to mention you seem all chummy with Soobin too. What's you're secret? Do you bribe them to walk with you or something? That's kinda low dude." The boy continued to push him with his foot as he tumbled down some more.

" I guess, you're not so tough as they say." The upperclassman chuckled in amusement. " What a big disappointment."

" This is nothing," Yeonjun smirked wiping the dirt off his hands and standing up. He doesn't let his guard down.

" Is that so?" The boy replied.

Without a warning, Yeonjun spat on the ground and prepared to hurl himself unto him. Yeonjun was shorter than him by a few inches but that doesn't stop him from fighting back.

Yeonjun landed a punch on his face and kicked off most of the guys that were bullying him. They couldn't catch his every movement. Yeonjun is quite fast.

The guy Yeonjun punched glared at him and called out more of his friends surrounding Yeonjun. He gulped and looked troubled, it looks like there's no escaping from this.

" Ah, shit..." He says under his breath. He deeply regrets not bringing Beomgyu and Kai around for his own sake. It seemed like everybody treats him badly for being a classless.

People hated that sarcastic look on his face too.

What a day He mentally slaps himself.

The boys that circled around him grabbed him making him whimper.

Yeonjun felt like an idiot for not running away instead of putting up a fight. But his pride was too great, he won't just let an upperclassman treat him like a dog.

" Urk!" He hissed trying his best to remove his arms from their grasp. Everything looked helpless, he's about to be beaten up.


The upperclassmen kicked him to their heart's content as he laid there curled up like a ball. Each time their shoe hit his body it caused him to shriek in pain.

The upperclassman grabbed a fistful of his hair forcing him to stand up weakly.

" So this is nothing to you huh?" The upperclassman continued to grin. His other friends laughing beside him mocking Yeonjun's position. Yeonjun felt a tinge of embarrassment, he holds unto the upperclassman's hand with his eyes closed shut.

" Urghh, huh!" Yeonjun spoke lightly in gibberish gritting his teeth. The upperclassman didn't seem to hear him.

"What? Can't talk? Say it loud!" The taller man shouted to his face.

Yeonjun howled with  his bloody mouth and snickered amidst the piercing sensation of pain.

" Pathetic bitch... I didn't even feel anything. " Yeonjun mumbled with a smile on his face before being  plummeted to the floor.

It looks like Yeonjun angered him more.

He threw Yeonjun to a corner and laughed at him. " Since you like being hurt this much, I guess you're that type of person. Does being abused violently make you ache for it? I guess you'd like it if we all have a good time with you then."

Yeonjun crawled away but before he could regain his senses he gets pulled back from his legs again and the others held him in place. The boy opens his uniform vest causing him to jolt.

" W-what are you-?!" Yeonjun's eyes turned to his hand on his buttons unfastening them. He completely realizes he's being stripped of his clothes.

" You like this don't you? Just have some fun and don't scream. I know you want it." The upperclassman chuckled whilst unbuckling his pants.

" No! get off of me! We're both boys!" Yeonjun kicks them off. " Cut it out! This isn't funny. "

I-Is he seriously going to? He's crazy!

The boy continues to unbuckle his belt and unzips his pants. Yeonjun gasped.

His reactions made the upperclassmen amazed at how alluring he was the more he struggled to break free. His exposed chest looked erotic.

" Oh fuck, you look like you're enjoying yourself!" The boy looked interested in his whimpering.

A voice from another direction alarms the upperclassmen making them stop from what they're doing. Yeonjun turns to scan the whole area from where that voice was coming from.

" Let him go. " A calm voice made the boys let go of Yeonjun.

Yeonjun smiled expecting it would be Beomgyu or Kai to finally save him, but his smile disappeared when the man is actually none other than Soobin, the boy he despises.

" S-Soobin! I didn't know you walk here during lunch break." The upperclassman removed his hands off of  Yeonjun. Yeonjun lied on the floor with his clothes still messed up and opened.

Yeonjun couldn't move from the pain that surrounded his body.

Soobin looked at him. He notices the bruises and the little bits of blood on his lips. Soobin crossed his arms planting a stare that could cut through them.

"This is a violation of school rules. The president wouldn't like this type of behavior let alone the principal."

" But he started it! and pissed me off! It's Yeonjun we're talking about here he's enjoying it too. " The upperclassman reasoned while pointing at Yeonjun.


Yeonjun gave him a disgusted look.

It was pretty clear that the upperclassmen had done this to Yeonjun out of jealousy. Soobin didn't look so contented with their claims.

" If you don't do this to him ever again, I will shrug it off." Soobin negotiated.

Yeah right as if they'd stop.

"Now ...Run..." Soobin shot a gaze that scared them.

The boys ran off as fast as they could leaving Yeonjun alone while he sits up buckling his belt and dusting off his vest from dirt. His body was aching all over.

" I didn't need your help. " Yeonjun scowled at Soobin.

" Don't worry, they won't kick your ass anymore."

Oh, so now he's talking to me, interesting.

" I'm going to have to assist you to the clinic."

" Really?"

" Yes."

"Aren't you afraid of affiliating yourself with me?" Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

"This is merely my duty as a representative. This will have nothing to do with being affiliated to you especially when you're unhinged."


"What? Are you deaf or something? I said I didn't need your help." Yeonjun pinched his nose bridge and sighs.
" You know what, I'm leaving." he added.

Acting all high and mighty. It pisses me off.

Yeonjun exits the field as Soobin stared at his stubbornness.

Child's Play ~Yeonbin~ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now