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Chains jangled in the background. Quiet murmurs can be heard. People arguing with police outside the empty room. 

" There's a call waiting for you." The policeman sat in front of Ms.Choi. 

" A call?" faintly she said. " Hello?" 

" M-Mom? " 

A deep voice on the line alarmed Soobin's mother. She held the phone tightly with an exuberant voice. Just the mere voice of her son moved her to tears. 

She covers her mouth." Soobin, thank God * sob* you're okay!" 

" Mom, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have provoked my step-father like that. I-It's all my fault! Now he's dead." 

Soobin's mother sobbed as her own son sobbed on the telephone. 

" It's not your fault Soobin, he was going to kill you" Soobin's mother cried out. " Soobin, I'll have to go. Be a good boy while Mom is not around honey, I *hic* I love you." 

She hung up.

The policemen observed her, they knew she was innocent. The two of them both nod in agreement. The profile of Soobin's step-father was placed on the table while they were supposedly going to interrogate her for information regarding the act of manslaughter but it turned out it was an act of self-defense.

The police sighs. 

"Ma'am, can you confirm that this is your husband?" The man asked.

"Yes, I can confirm it." Soobin's mother nodded in guilt.

" I'd like to ask about his behavior, does he become violent towards you and your son by any chance?" 

" He-he always gets angry easily and beats my son. I thought he would change after we re-married but- I was wrong." The tearful mother lowered her head.

The policeman tapped on the picture. " Are you not aware that this man has a record of smuggling illegal substances?" 

Soobin's mother was startled by the police man's question. She looked at him confused.

" This man's name is forged in your marriage certificate." The man shines a flashlight on the marriage certificate where the step- dad's name should be. Soobin's mother's eyes followed.

"His name here is listed as " Gong-Hyun" but his real name is actually " Gwon- Haneul". This man has a record of drug possession along with other several felonies."

Soobin's mother gasped. She didn't know she had married a man who's no stranger to a life of crime and hate. She was shocked that the possibility of danger to her son was severe.

"This man has gone rogue for years, didn't think he'd hide in the suburbs."

" O-Officer, w-what do I do?" 

"I think it's better that we settle this in court, but do not worry. It looks like the evidence are on your side. We can bail you out shortly for the plea of  self-defense." 


" Trust me Ma'am, you should have listened to your son's instincts. A child's intuition knows his mother best as his mother knows him." The policeman smiled.

"Thank you." Soobin's mother smiled.


After a couple of days the court declared Soobin's mother innocent and set her free. It was finally time for her to be released officially.

" Are you ready Soobin?" Yeonjun asked. 

"I'm ready." Soobin smiled. At first, it took him a while to gather up his thoughts but he finally found it in himself to go back and fulfill his life.

This time he walks by it with Yeonjun by his side.

With Soobin's cast on his left arm. Yeonjun opens the door.

Soobin looked around and found his mother free from cuffs. The sulking face of his mother turned into a new warm soul. Soobin was overjoyed.

Yeonjun looked at him and gave him a little nod before Soobin went to his mother and hugged her. He missed her so much that tears welled up in his eyes.



Like the old Soobin he once was Yeonjun couldn't help but feel thankful that everything was resolved. He looked at the parent and child, proud of their freedom.

If Soobin's father would have seen them now, he would have been proud of his son. Soobin was brave. Yeonjun noticed people go inside. It was his mother and his father. The door closes behind them.

"Soojin, it's been a long time." Yeonjun's mother cheerfully greeted Soobin's mother.

The two mothers reunited at last. Yeonjun and Soobin smiled at them as they hugged and recalled each memory. They went outside and had a couple of drinks from the vending machine just outside the police station.

Soobin laughed and drank from his soda can. The two young boys sat beside each other and talked about what they missed when they were supposedly ignoring each other for the past few years of middle school.

" Didn't you know Ryujin liked that senior? I think his name was "Jung Hoseok" ." Yeonjun put his finger on his chin. 

" Does she? I thought she had a crush on you." Soobin looked at Yeonjun surprised.

" I only saw her as my sister, if I did like her we would have been dating right now." Yeonjun bragged.

" Aish! You have such a big ego!" Soobin pushed Yeonjun as he laughed playfully.

" I'm just kidding!" 

" And yet you chose me." Soobin gazed at Yeonjun for a second stopping him from his teasing. Yeonjun stopped laughing and blushed. He looked down and looked back at Soobin. 

" Come on, it has always been you." Yeonjun played with the can on his hand and sipped. Soobin blushed and stared longingly into his eyes.

" I love you Yeonjun," Soobin uttered making Yeonjun choke on his drink. He started coughing from Soobin's sudden words.

" Hey! Don't say corny things like that in public!" Yeonjun scolded the taller man. Soobin ignored him and pulled him closer by his uniform tie and kissed him pausing his hands that slapped Soobin's shoulder. 

Yeonjun closed his eyes and let it happen before he pulls away red-faced. 

" D-Don't that in public too." Yeonjun covered his mouth with his wrist.

Soobin looked at the sky. " It's getting late, we should probably head back, let's just walk just like old times." Soobin stood up with a cast still on his arm.

" Yeah, just like when we were kids," Yeonjun replied.

The two boys walked hand in hand, they used to ignore each other and pretend the other isn't there but now they're looking at each other's eyes without a trace of hate and sorrow.

Yeonjun giggled. " I love you too, pabo." 

Child's Play ~Yeonbin~ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now