Chapter 8

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Hello everyone! How are all of you doing? I just want to thank all of you again for reading this, it truly means a lot ;) Enjoy reading!

"How did this even happen?" Magnus asked Izzy shocked. He was surprised but most of all he was afraid. He was afraid for Faith... He knew that this was only the beginning and that much more was coming her way.

Lilith had a taste of her now and Magnus was convinced that she was going to come back for her. Izzy shrugged her shoulders. She couldn't even think straight. She was so scared that something could happen to her niece right now. 

She knew that if she was late a little bit, it could have a severe impact upon her life and she would never forgive herself for it. She won't be able too. 

"I don't know Magnus. She went demon hunting... She said that a demon from Edom was there and that it tried avoiding her but... There was another one at home." Izzy rambled on and on without even taking a second to breathe.

"Hey, Izzy." Magnus said as he looked at her. He held her by her shoulders and looked directly into her eyes. Her eyes were full of despair and sadness. She was stressed. 

"We will save her." Magnus reassured Izzy and she nodded as he looked at her. Izzy always admired Magnus. He always helped people, helped the find someone, cure someone or even find them a job so they could live their life. 

Magnus did everyone always a favour. He has always been there for them. Izzy knew that he missed Clary a lot. Even words wouldn't be able to describe how he felt. He was a parent who had lost his child. We were all that for him. 

Izzy and Magnus walked on the streets of Paris. Never did she think that she would visit the city of love. She smiled as she was looking around and she hoped that one day with Simon, she could come here and maybe their child too. 

It was insane to even think that she was pregnant. Izzy and Simon had been trying for a while but every time she opened a test, it would be negative. She honestly lost hope to have a child of her own until she started feeling sick a month ago. She didn't think much of it but still tried a test and shock overwhelmed her when the test came out positive. 

No one knew that she was pregnant yet. She wanted to tell her big brother first... but due to these circumstances, she knew it was a bad timing. She swallowed sharply when she felt a little bit sick... 

'Bad timing baby.' Izzy thought. Magnus turned himself around to look at Izzy. He frowned in confusion as he saw Izzy struggling with something, he didn't knew about. 

"Is everything okay?" Magnus asked as he looked at her. Izzy smiled weakly and nodded.

"Yes of course." She answered quickly. Way too quickly because now Magnus was suspicious of her.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he held her hand. Izzy looked at him and she knew that she had to tell him. Otherwise Magnus would keep on asking her and find out anyway. That's how it always went. She could never hide something from him.

"I am pregnant." Izzy said with a smile. She didn't realise the huge relief that came with it. She exhaled sharply and chuckled. Magnus looked at her in surprise and laughed.

"You are pregnant?" He asked happily. He couldn't believe it. Another baby after Faith was coming again. Izzy nodded her head happily as she looked at him.

"I am finally pregnant." She said and Magnus hugged her tightly. He couldn't help but to remember Clary. When he found out that Clary was pregnant, he couldn't stop but buying any type of gifts for her child, for Faith.

All of us were happy until Azazel came along and took Alec away. That's when everything was changing. Faith was a special baby and Magnus knew that. He was ashamed that he resented Faith for even a little while when she was born... He knew he had to do right by her. It wasn't her fault.

Ever since then Magnus took Faith for small trips to countries she wanted to visit. She loved to paint just like her mother. Every single day that went by, Magnus realised that she was alike Clary and Alec. A combination of the both of them. If Clary would have been here, she would have been proud of Faith.

Faith was a good person. Everyone could see that of her. She wouldn't even dare to hurt an insect, no matter how much they scared her. She always learned a way to love the things that she was afraid of. That's why Magnus was never worried that the prophecy of her becoming bad could fulfil. 

"I will give you the herbs that I gave to Clary when she was pregnant. It will help you and the baby." Magnus said with a smile as they started walking towards a shop. Izzy chuckled softly as she remembered how much Clary hated them but Magnus would practically force her to have it.

"She always hated them." She said with as she laughed softly and Magnus smiled.

"I know that she did but she also knew that she needed it." He said with a smile and Izzy nodded.

"You still miss her don't you?" Izzy asked and Magnus titled his head slowly as he looked at her. He nodded his head as he looked down again.

"Yes, I do." Magnus said in a low voice. There wasn't a day where he didn't think of her. He has tried to find ways to get Clary back and it was hard because every clue came out of dead end. Never in his hundred years of life has he seen something like this...

Alec still had his parabatai rune which meant that Clary was still alive but when Magnus tried a locator spell, he couldn't find her. She was nowhere too be found as if she wasn't part of this world anymore.

It just didn't make sense...

"I miss her too... I wish that she could tell me how to do this." Izzy said softly and Magnus looked at her.

"She is still here... We just have to look beneath the surface..." Magnus said softly and Izzy nodded her head slowly.

"Let's get the herbs before Alec kills us." Magnus joked and Izzy laughed softly.

"Let's go." She said with a smile as they entered the shop. 

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