Chapter 13

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Hello! Welcome to another chapter! How is everyone doing? I hope that everyone is enjoying this story... I can't believe that we are close to 1k readers... like what... thank you so much🥺❤️

Blake took his bag and tugged some seraph blades in his boots as he walked out of his room. He could never be too careful and especially after the night when they went on demon hunting. He had never seen a demon like that in his entire life.

The nineteen years of living on earth and this bizarre Shadow World, he had never came across a demon like that. What was even more absurd was that Faith killed it by just one touch. The innocent Faith killed a demon.

He was sure that Ava probably made the front line of that today at the academy. Little Faith killed her first demon or she might have said nothing because she was a total embarrassment. She was as surprised as he was by the demon. Even Caroline, one of the best fighters amongst them was almost knocked out by it.

Now that Blake thought of that, he wasn't so sure that Ava would speak about it. She couldn't stand Faith for some reason. He never understood that about women. He truly never did.

Blake walked towards the centre of the institute. He stood in front of the portal and waited for a while. For a second, he thought that maybe Faith would have shown up but after waiting for several minutes, he left. Why did he care anyways?

When he went through the portal, he came right to the academy. He saw many students walking inside the massive building and some of them were just waiting outside, talking.

Blake rolled his eyes, seeing the amount of people that were here. Why would people be so talkative in the morning? It was so annoying. He felt the cold breeze of air on his back, flying right through his thin t-shirt.

"Blake!" He heard Ava shout. Blake sighed out annoyance before turning around to her. He gave her a glance that even took her by surprise.

"What is that look for?" Ava asked. She was never afraid to ask a straight forward question. Blake shrugged his shoulders as he emotionless looked at her.

"I am not in the mood." Blake answered coldly and turned himself around to walk inside the academy. Ava quickly caught up with him.

"I heard that Faith Lightwood is at the New York institute." Ava said and Blake immediately looked at her as if his reputation was at risk. How did Ava find out about that?

"What? Were you afraid that I didn't know?" Ava asked and he shook his head. There was always something about Ava that would annoy Blake. First of all, she was way too clingy.

He couldn't stand that. He couldn't stand the fact that she was always over him. It made her look pathetic.

"Have you seen her?" She asked. Blake quietly nodded his head as he entered the academy. The loud chatter of every student filled his ears immediately which again, annoyed him.

Blake wasn't a morning person and all of this always put him at the edge of wanting to punch everyone in the face. Maybe he had anger problems but he didn't care about that. He didn't wanted to be better. He didn't have a reason to.

"Did you talk to her?" She asked. Blake sighed out annoyed as he clenched his jaw and turned himself quickly around to Ava.

"Ava, if you are so fucking obsessed with her, please go to the New York institute and talk to her yourself." Blake said angrily. Ava looked at him startled by his angry expression towards her.

Before she opened her mouth, he turned himself around and walked away from her. The daily Ava intake was already overloaded and he couldn't stand it already. He knew that she would probably not let go of this but he was done with the subject about it already.

Blake never understood the obsession or hatred Ava had for Faith. She was particularly not even known in the academy. Faith was from a honourable and rich family, more than Ava could ever dream off. Maybe that was the reason to why Ava disliked her. Jealously.

"Ah Blake, you are finally here. What took you so long?" Oscar said as he greeted his parabatai by a handshake. Blake smiled and sighed out of annoyance.

"Ava." He quietly answered. Oscar laughed softly. Despite Blake being so selfish and so inhuman towards actual feelings, he managed to find himself a parabatai. Oscar was probably one person he cared about the most and that was it.

"I would truly feel sorry if you have to marry someone like her." Oscar said and Blake shot him an angry glare. He didn't wanted to be reminded of it again. The possibility of becoming engaged to Ava made him go insane.

"I hope my father doesn't." Blake said and he truly hoped that his father wouldn't arrange an engagement with someone like Ava. Oscar patted him on his shoulder.

"I hope not for you mate." He answered and Blake rolled his eyes. He walked right towards his class, seeing Faith's best friend Caroline sitting down alone. She looked clueless about where Faith was and somehow Blake felt obliged to tell her.

"Come sit down." Oscar said. Blake nodded his head.

"Give me one second." He replied as he put his bag down on the ground and walked over to Caroline. Caroline confused looked over at Blake who was approaching her. Where was Faith when Blake was coming here to talk? She always missed out the good stuff.

"Hey. So that you know. Faith is at the New York institute." He said calmly. Caroline frowned and just looked confused at him. How did he know about that?

"Wait? What happened?" She asked and now she started to feel truly worried about Faith. What happened yesterday was truly crazy and what if it hurt her? Blake shrugged his shoulders. He could see several people looking down at him, trying to listen in to what happened.

Now this would make a headline.

"About some demon attack at her house. She needed help from Magnus Bane." Blake said and he heard several gasps when he spoke out his words. Caroline widened her eyes.

"Magnus Bane?!" She shouted confused. She was a massive fan of him and always wanted to meet him. Who wouldn't want that? He was gorgeous.

Caroline suddenly felt an urge as if she knew that something was coming towards her. She quickly held her hand up and caught a fire message. She looked down quickly at the message that possibly Faith wrote.


Caroline I am at the NYC institute. I will explain you everything. Please come over after school. xoxo Faith.'

Caroline sighed out relieved, happy to know that she was alright.

"Is it her?" Blake asked out of curiosity. He didn't even knew why he was curious to know whether it was her or not. Caroline nodded her head.

"I will see her afterwards but thank you." Caroline said with a smile which Blake returned.

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