Chapter 18

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"Blake?" Faith asked which made Blake look up. They were finally back from the trip they were on together with Caroline and Magnus. The portal just flushed shut, causing the wind breeze to slightly make Faith shiver.

"Yes?" He asked as his eyes were piercing into hers. Faith's blue eyes didn't seem to be moving away from his too and she totally had forgotten what she was meant to say.

"I-I euhm..." She stammered as she couldn't find her way to find her words. Blake still emotionlessly looked at her as if she was some sort of a mission to complete. As if he was obliged to stand here in front of her which made Faith even more nervous than she already was.

"I just wanted to say sorry for earlier." Faith said softly as she looked away from him. She didn't wanted to embarrass herself in front of him even more than she already did.

Blake's eyes softened as he heard Faith speak out her words. He softly chuckled before shaking his head and replied, "It's all good. You weren't wrong in what you said earlier. We don't know each other like that."

"But that doesn't mean that I wouldn't care what would happen to you." He added and Faith looked up now, staring into his eyes.

He sheepishly smiled at her which made Faith's heart flutter. Her cheeks were flushed a bit red as she shyly smiled at him too.

"Faith!" Alec's voice radiated throughout the whole institute, startling both Blake and Faith. Faith's eyes met her father's and before she could say anything, he pulled her into a tight hug.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Alec quickly asked as he was staring down at Faith. Faith cursed Magnus in her mind for already telling her father what had happened.

This snitch.

"I am okay, dad. Really." Faith reassured him and Alec exhaled sharply. His hands were slightly shaking as he still remained holding her tightly.

"You are not going out again, Faith Alexandra Lightwood." He scolded her and Faith sighed softly. She didn't even dare taking a glance over at Blake who was still awkwardly standing there, listening to the entire conversation.

"Dad... I am fine. Nothing happened to me." She again said to reassure him. Sometimes she felt that she had to reassure him, hoping that he wouldn't take away the tiniest freedom she had left.

She knew that her father did it out of love and protection but she couldn't help but to feel suffocated at all times. Especially when she had to stay inside for most of the times and she knew that, that time was going to come soon again.

"Faith. You are not going. Is that understood?" He asked as his voice spoke sternly. Faith looked at her father and just sighed out before saying, "Okay..."

Blake looked at Faith's expression the whole time she spoke to her father and he couldn't help but to feel sorry for her. Now he understood why Faith didn't wanted to tell anyone about how Lilith had communicated with and he didn't think that after this, she would tell her father. He didn't didn't blame her for that.

If he was put in a position like this, he wouldn't have cared and just do what he thought was right but Faith wasn't like him. She was obedient. She was smart enough to listen. She wasn't as stubborn as Blake was.

Each new different thing Blake learned about Faith made him more intrigued to get to know her even better. He didn't know what it was about her but there was something pulling him towards her and he couldn't help but to be obedient, only this one time...

"I will see or speak you later." Blake said out of the sudden, trying to escape this awkward family conversation. Faith's blue eyes met his and his heart skipped a beat quickly.

She smiled weakly before nodding her head, indicating that he could leave if he wanted too. She would have left if she was put in this position. Blake returned the smile before looking over at Faith's father.

"See you, Mr. Lightwood." He said politely and left them. He exhaled sharply as he made his way to his own room.

"Who is that boy?" Alec asked on purpose, just to tease his daughter. Faith's eyes widened as she looked at her father. She could feel her cheeks burning warm and she looked away from him.

"Just a friend." She mumbled softly and Alec smiled softly.

"You definitely took after me in this sort of stuff." He said, making Faith now look up at him. She sighed out before she shook her head.

"How was mother like?" She asked carefully. She wished she had some of the fierceness of her mother. Maybe she would have made a better chance with Blake but even be able to defeat Lilith on her own as her mother did with Azazel.

"She was never afraid to speak her mind. She always did what she thought was right." He said softly and Faith lovingly listened to him praising her mother.

I would never be that strong, Faith thought and seemed bothered.

Alec saw how uneasy Faith was and rested his hand on her shoulder as a kind, and gentle gesture.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he looked into her eyes. Faith realised how she must have been coming over and quickly awkwardly laughed it off.

"I just became worried about my romantic life if I have actually taken after you." She joked, making Alec laugh now too.

"Hey... I wasn't that bad. I was just shy and stubborn to accept my feelings." He defended himself and Faith just nodded her head in a response of, "Whatever."

"But do you like him like that?" Alec asked. He wanted to be overprotective over that but he didn't wanted to at the same time. He knew that he was doing that a lot lately but it was just for her own safety.

He wanted her to be alive... See her grow up. See her getting her own children at one time and him to see her play with her children. Alec wanted to see all of that. He knew that they were a long time away from that but he wanted all of this for her...

"Dad..." Faith said softly and slightly embarrassed. She hid her face with her hands so she could hide her face that was becoming red each time her father spoke about Blake.

Alec chuckled softly, seeing her blush. He was exactly like that but he wouldn't cover his face. He would literally just walk away so no one would be able to see it.

He thought it was smart but he came over rude when he didn't mean too.

"It's okay... Just be careful to who you give your heart too." He said and Faith was surprised to how understanding her father was for the very first time. She smiled sheepishly at him before nodding her head.

"I will dad..." She replied softly and hugged him. She exhaled sharply as she rested her head on his shoulders and at that very moment, Alec felt like Faith had become that little girl again that he once held in his arms for the very first time.

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a nice weekend while I am first working ... I literally wrote this in the morning and then finished it off in my break. Please be proud of me ahhaha.

Blake and Faith?

Yes or no?

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