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title: psychotic void
descriptions in your work? this was heavily inspired by edgar allan poe's short story "the tell-tale heart". basically, this whole graphic is based off seeing or hearing something that doesn't exist. in the graphic, there are eyes behind jimin because that's what he's imagining. he thinks that there are people out to get him and kill him when in reality there's no one. it's actually his own mind out to get him, to destroy him. that's why jimin's held by two ropes and (idk if you can see it) a gun in his hand, pointing to his head. the gun blends in with the characters surrounding jimin which are the words his mind tells him, that are disguised to protect him when they're actually killing him slowly. on certain eyes, there's a big red x and that shows that because he couldn't stand their "staring", jimin killed them just like how the narrator killed the old man in the story. the eyes and the gun are also doodles and not the real thing because everything is a figment of jimin's imagination. in the background, idk if you see it too but there are upside down whales. whales in general are supposed to signify creativity but as they're turned upside down, they're supposed to signify the act of creating a horrible of scenario out of nothing. the black ripped paper at the corners of the graphic are there to show that slowly but surely, jimin is ripping apart at his own sanity, as little as there was left, and is becoming insane. but the worst thing is that in this battle, jimin is alone. there's no one to help him. that's why he's standing in the middle of an open field where there's no one else in sight. the red splashes signify the chaos in his mind and is a foreshadowing that no matter what, jimin will eventually succumb to his mind and mentally die.
how did you come up with this idea? a few weeks back (before mco started), for english, my class was reading "the tell-tale heart" and as i was brainstorming, the story came up and i decided to use it as inspiration
hints on how you did this cover/graphics? first started with maniping jimin on to the field and the ropes tied to his arms. then i added the whales and the eyes and the segments of duotones. after that i blended some textures and added the text and voila i was done
rate your own work from 1-10: i'm actually pretty proud of this so i'd give this a 7
rate her entry from 1-100% !! by doing so, your rates/critiques will be added to her overall points. you can add your critiques by commenting below. NOTE: THE ELIMINATED 10 CONTENDERS & AUDIENCE WILL BE THE JUDGES.
how do they rate/critique your entry?
uniqueness & creativity: 40% - (is your cover/graphic creative and unique? does it look rare like once in a blue moon?)
typography, color scheme, theme & cleanliness: 60% - (does the cover/graphic so clean? does it look so messy? does the typography and color scheme matches the cover/graphics theme and the way it was put in? does the description matches your cover/graphic?)
overall, 100/100%
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