02. Thoughts

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"I would climb every mountain, and swim every ocean," [name] sang to herself as she continued to wash the dirty pile of laundry that had accumulated due to the demon slayers' missions, often coming home with blood-stains or mud-stains, doesn't matter.

They were filthy.

"And fix what I've broken.  Oh, 'cause I need you to see, that you are the reason," [name] continued singing, not realizing that there was a group of girls from the Butterfly Estate along with two particular Hashiras enjoying her little performance to herself.

[name] then finished scrubbing with all her might and proceeded to dump out the now soaked laundry into a basin of clean water, washing off the excess soap it had accumulated. She proceeded to hum a tune to herself, and soon she noticed a particular Hashira had arrived.

"Tomioka-san," [name] called out and smiled when Giyuu squats next to her, watching what she was doing. She then turned her head to take a look at the Water Hashira who had on a distant look as always, cold to the exterior.

"How long are you going to keep it a secret?" he asked, and [name] could only laugh as she understood what he had meant. She then continued to rinse out the laundry and soon looked at Giyuu.

"Mind helping me? Tomioka-san," [name] spoke out and Giyuu nodded slowly as he soon dumped out the water and proceeded to help her in wringing the clothes dry, since he had that much strength, [name] was rather thankful that she didn't need to exert that much force.

"And I know the rest of you have been listening to me singing," [name] spoke out as she hammered her back with her fists, trying to ease the ache from bending over for too long. She then turned and flashed the Insect Hashira, Kocho Shinobu, along with the Love Hashira, Kanroji Mitsuri, a smile.

Together with the girls from the Butterfly Estate as well.

"Akane-sama! Akane-sama! Can you please sing the other song?" Sumi asked with a glint in her eyes and [name] could only laugh when she saw Kiyo and Naho pleading her with their puppy eyes as well. [name] then paled a little when Mitsuri joined in as well, with her hands clasped together with a pleading look.

How could she say no?

"Hearing thunder, and I wonder how long can I hang on," [name] started to sing with a smile on her face as she looked at the girls whose eyes widened as [name] proceeded to sing the requested song. She then watched as Shinobu went to help Giyuu in hanging up the laundry instead, leaving [name] the freedom to entertain the girls.

"I'm caught in the storm, I'm caught in the rain, I'm caught in the rush that hides this pain!" [name] proceeded to sing with a whole lot of emotions, and Mitsuri couldn't help but blush a little at how beautiful [name] was, along with her voice.

"So beautiful!" she whispered out.

"I'm ready to drown, but it's coming down, but I feel so al-," and [name] stopped when she realized she noticed that a kakushi was signaling towards her. She then giggled softly at the girls disappointed looks and soon patted them on their heads, walking away to meet up with the kakushi.

"Akane-sama, Oyakata-sama has requested for you," he whispered out and [name]'s dark blue ocean eyes widened slightly. She then smiled and nodded, thanking the kakushi as she proceeded to pat down her uniform and walked towards the Ubushiyaki Estate.

[name] then smiled as she walked past the Stone Hashira who was often seen with his large hands placed together as he mumbled a small prayer. She then stood before him as he had stopped her as well, and gently placed a large hand on her head, causing her to giggle a little as well.

"See you later, Himejima-san," she said with a smile and was on her way again.

"Akane-san! Akane-san! You're here!" and [name] laughed when she saw the young Kiriya running towards her with a smile together with his siblings. She then smiled and knelt on her knees as she opened her arms, engulfing them in a tight hug.

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