14. Demon

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[name] woke up when she felt a shiver running down her spine

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[name] woke up when she felt a shiver running down her spine. She then slowly opened her dark blue ocean eyes and looked towards where the door was, facing the outside world. She then noticed that she wasn't able to see the door at all and she squinted her eyes slightly, revealing Sanemi who was blocking the door from her face. She then smiled a little and turned to face her back towards him instead.

Sanemi was about to reach out to touch her shoulder, only to stop when there was loud banging coming from the front door of the estate which they were residing in. He then scowled in response just as [name] slowly sat up in her futon, with her dark blue ocean eyes half opened as she was still sleepy, and her long brown hair was in a slight mess.

Sanemi stood there dumbfounded as he noticed a whole group of the townspeople had gathered. He narrowed his pale purple eyes at them as they were carrying pitchforks and torches as well.

"What the fuck do all of you want?" he muttered out as he was woken up due to a heavy ominous feeling he had and was somehow wishing it didn't come true. He then looked at the angry looks on the townspeople's faces.

"Where is that witch who killed our savior?!" one of them yelled out and Sanemi tilts his head to the side in confusion as he had on a mean scowl on his face.

"Who the fuck are you talking about?! There's no fucking witch here," he spat out and soon heard soft footsteps from being him.

"Shinazugawa-san...? What's happening?" [name] mumbled out as she rubbed her dark blue ocean eyes as she stood behind him. Sanemi then turned, and almost immediately did he have to get [name] out of the way as the townspeople lunged forward towards her.

"She's the witch who killed our savior from all the rapists in town!" they shouted out and [name] could only stare in shock at what was happening. She then felt Sanemi's arm around her waist and his hand was holding her side tightly as he narrowed his pale purple eyes in response.

"What fucking nonsense are you spouting?! You've been worshipping to a fucking demon you fucktards!" he spat out and quickly pulled [name] out of the way as the townspeople started to throw their torches at them.

"She has bewitched him! Quickly, get her!" and [name]'s eyes widened as she pushed Sanemi down as a pitchfork was coming his way. Sanemi then kicked the villager who had tried to attack him, and he quickly picked [name] up.

"Let's go, no point staying anywhere near fucking crazy people," he spat out as he brought [name] back into the room where their belongings were. [name] then quickly grabbed hold of her uniform and nichirin blade together with Sanemi, and the duo immediately bolts out from the estate before it eventually went up in flames.

"To think that they fucking thought the demon was protecting them from dangers," he muttered out and looked at [name] who had on a rather confused look on her face. She then turned to look at him and tilts her head to the side.

𝙠𝙣𝙮, 𝙙𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now