04. Forgotten

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[name] woke up with a slight headache. She then realized that she was still in her old home back in her hometown. Noticing how bright it was outside, she soon stepped outside of her home. A smile plastered on her face despite the slight headache she was having still.

"Ah, good morning [name]!" Ryu called out, and [name] laughed as she waved at him.

"Great job last night in planting the wisteria flowers as always!" and [name] hummed with a smile on her face. She then noticed that Ryu had on a slight frown on his face, and [name] watched as he walked up to her.

"What's wrong? Why the frown?" she asked with a smile, and Ryu shook his head.

"Do you remember who help you out last night?" he asked, and [name] tilts her head to the side, clearly confused at the question that Ryu had brought up to her.

"Wasn't it just you?" she asked, and Ryu's green eyes slightly widened at her answer.

"A-Ah, yes!" he said with a smile, chuckling to hide his nervousness. [name] then laughed and soon patted Ryu on the cheek as she turned to walk back into her home, packing her stuffs.

"You're going off already?" he asked, and [name] hummed in response.

"I'll come visit whenever I can," she said with a smile, and Ryu sighed as he watched [name] walked out of the humble old home that she used to reside with her family. He sighed as he shook his head, his red hair covering his face slightly.

"This better be worth it," he muttered out as he watched [name] walking further away from her home.


"Shinazugawa-san? Where's Akane-san? I thought you were supposed to be coming home with her," Shinobu spoke out as she spotted the Wind Hashira walking past the Butterfly Estate by himself. Somehow, she was rather worried about [name] right now when she saw Sanemi alone.

"What the fuck does she have to do with me?" he snapped, and Shinobu then tilts her head in confusion.

"Aren't you and her dating?" she asked, and Sanemi bit his lips slightly at the mention of [name]. He then gritted his teeth and turned away.

"We fucking broke up, there. Happy? Leave me the fuck alone," he spat out and walked away. Shinobu's eyes then widened at what Sanemi had said. Shinobu then sighed as she soon turned and walked back into the Butterfly Estate.

"Aoi, please go out and meet Akane-san once she returns," Shinobu spoke out and Aoi nodded in response, realizing what Shinobu had meant. She then watched as Aoi quickly rummaged through the drawers, and eventually pulled out something from it.

"Message! Message! Akane [name] has returned! Message! Message!" and Aoi immediately bolt right out of the Butterfly Estate. She then ran down the pavement, and soon arrived at the entrance of the Demon Slayer Corps, and waited patiently. Her eyes then lit up as she saw [name] walking back with a smile on her face.

"Aoi!" she called out, and Aoi could only smile as she ran up to her.

"Is everything okay, Akane-san?" Aoi asked, and [name] smiled in response.

"Definitely, I've officially decided to return from my short break," she said with a smile, and Aoi could only smile in response as she soon handed [name] the item she had pulled out from the drawer.

"Come, would you like to have some tea with me? I had brought it back from my hometown," and Aoi nodded in response. [name] and Aoi were soon seen walking towards an estate that has been quite a long time ever since someone stepped into it.

Sanemi then watched as [name] had returned. He then immediately went up to her and grabbed hold of her shoulder. Turning her harshly, and he watched as her dark blue ocean eyes widened slightly at what had happened.

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