11. Memories

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"Do you think Tanjiro will be alright with them? In that form," [name] spoke out as she stretched herself slightly, admiring the fabric that had the same pattern as Sakonji's. She then turned to look at Giyuu, and could only laugh a little at how nostalgic it was.

"How long has it been since we last wore this?" [name] asked as they walked side by side with their nichirin blades strapped to their sides as they walked up the steep hill, leading to where Sakonji was residing peacefully in.

"Years," he whispered out and then looked at [name] from the corner of his eyes.

"What do you think about Shinazugawa?" he asked, and [name] blinked in confusion at what was happening. She then turns her head to look at Giyuu, flashing him a gentle smile as well.

"Shinazugawa-san... I kind of like him," she spoke out, and Giyuu stopped walking. [name] then noticed he had stopped walking, and turned to look at him.

"Are you sure?" he asked, and [name] pouts slightly in response.

"Is there something wrong?" [name] asked as she looked at Giyuu, wondering why did he asked if she was sure whether she liked Sanemi or not.

"Nothing, just making sure," he mumbled out and proceeded to walk past [name], causing her to look utterly confused at his behavior.

"I don't know how things will end up when you remember those words he said to you," Giyuu muttered to himself as he continued to walk a further distance from [name], causing the shorter girl to have to spread her legs even more just to keep up with his pace.

"Giyuu!" she whined out and noticed [name] was throwing a slight tantrum. He then chuckled softly to himself and walked back towards her, turning his back and patting his back. She smiled in response and easily hopped onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck as he proceeded to carry her on his back, up the remaining distance.

"If Sabito was here, he would have already ran up the hill with you on his back," Giyuu commented, and [name] could only chuckle softly in response at what he had said.

"I miss him," [name] whispered out, and Giyuu could only bite his lips in response as well.

"This is [name], she will be joining us in training and will be staying here with us as well," Sakonji spoke out as he gently patted [name] on the head. He then watched with his mask still on his face as Giyuu and Sabito quickly left the scene, and returned with a basin filled with water, along with a washcloth.

They then proceeded to wet the washcloth and wiped the blood off of [name]'s face and hands, looking into her dark blue ocean eyes that seemed so lifeless right now. Sabito then looked up and looked at Sakonji, who then turned away and head to prepare dinner.

"I'm Sabito!" Sabito introduced himself as he continued to wipe [name]'s arms.

"And, I'm Giyuu!" Giyuu introduced himself as well but soon pouts a little when [name] didn't respond to his introduction.

"Urokodaki-san makes the best food here, you will definitely want more of it!" Sabito spoke out, trying to get [name]'s attention, only to fail as she continued to stare off in space. He then watched as Giyuu slowly stood up and in front of [name], he then grabbed hold of her small hands in his small hands and looked deep into her dark blue ocean eyes.

"It's okay to cry," and Sabito's lavender eyes widened when he saw [name]'s lips quivering. [name] then bend down as she started to cry her heart out, and the two boys could only hug her in response as they comforted her, while Sakonji was busy preparing dinner.

"Cry, cry until you feel better, [name]," he thought to himself.


"Good job, you're improving very fast," Sakonji spoke out as he gently patted [name] on the head, and then turned to look at Giyuu and Sabito. He then hit them on the head, causing them to wince in pain.

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