15. Promise II

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Being a demon slayer, especially taking the position of a Wind Hashira

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Being a demon slayer, especially taking the position of a Wind Hashira. Shinazugawa Sanemi knew the dangers of him not being able to return home someday.

Many wondered, how could someone who is gentle and kind like Akane [name], a helper in the Demon Slayer Corps, get together with someone as short-tempered and violent as Shinazugawa Sanemi?

Many believed that she deserves way much better than the constant arguments she was having every day with the Wind Hashira. And one day, it ended. It ended with him comparing her to someone who she could never be.

Kocho Kanae.

But then, there was a hidden reason why he wanted to end things with her. For he was entirely devoted to protecting her at all costs, even if it means him losing his life as well.

But soon realizing that she was, in fact, a Hashira the entire time, he realized he had made a grave mistake. But still, the thought of him devoting his life entirely just to protect her still lingered in his mind until this very day.

And then there he was, watching her sitting on the branch of a tree as she overlooked the training that was being held by Tengen. She sighed as she looked out for Tanjiro who was doing extremely well in keeping up with the training. She then watched as Tanjiro looked up and flashed a smile to [name], which she in return showed him a thumbs up instead.

"WHO SAID YOU CAN REST! MOVE IT! YOU'RE NOT EVEN DONE!" and [name] giggled. Soon she saw Tanjiro and Inosuke running, and eventually, they passed Tengen's training. [name] then noticed some of the demon slayers were struggling and she shook her head. Dressed in her uniform, she appeared running behind them at a slow pace.

Tengen then noticed her and an idea came up to his mind.

"Whoever Akane-san passes, will have to add 100 laps!" and [name] looked at him as if he was crazy, and then she shrugged her shoulders and started to run a bit faster.


And [name] had caused about 3/4 of the demon slayers having to run an additional 100 laps. She then squats down as she looked at the panting demon slayers and smiled.

"If you can't pass his training, I don't think you can survive my training," she spoke and then stood up, walking away.

"I thought Akane-san was the kind one!"

"[NAME]! LET'S PRACTICE!" a shout was heard and [name]'s eyes widened when she saw Kyojuro standing right in front of her, their noses nearly touching.

"O-Okay," she choked out, frightened by the sudden closeness. She then watched as he tossed her a wooden sword, and she grabbed hold of it with a smile, twirling the sword in her hand.

Tengen then stopped his training in the midst of it and watched with a sparkle in his fuchsia-colored eye as demon slayers soon gathered. The Hashiras who were busy waiting for the demon slayers who had passed Tengen's training, soon arrived as they realized nobody was coming to their estates.

𝙠𝙣𝙮, 𝙙𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now