Chapter 23 - Brody's Home

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Author's note: The first third of this chapter is completely intact and unchanged. However the second and third part were merged together and then deleted so I had to rewrite it.

My apologies if it isn't up to the usual standards.

Back to the story*


Adrian had a frustrating start to his week. On Monday, practice was cancelled at last minute due to some emergency public service announcement. It was labelled mandatory by Principal Thompson so Adrian had to sit through it all.

All of the students were forced to listen to a guest speaker go on and on about drugs and the dangers of them.

If you asked Adrian, the whole assembly was completely pointless. It just reiterated how drugs were bad and the speaker shouted out more jumbo jumbo that was already drilled into his head. Even without having to be taught about it in school, his mom always made it clear about how there was a lack of tolerance if her son ever used drugs.

She even made a point that she would make Adrian regret the day he was born if he ever touched drugs.

On Tuesday he was planning to have a games night with Adam, weeks since their last one. That was until he got called into work last minute.

Getting extra money was no issue with Adrian, in fact he welcomed the idea of earning more money - who wouldn't want more money.

The rest of the day got worse because it was completely swamped at the pizzeria and he was stuck serving one of his dietary specific regulars. 

Again, there was nothing wrong with people who had dietary specific needs. But when the same person over explained and over shared why they couldn't eat certain things was what annoyed Adrian.

Especially when Adrian wanted to spend the day relaxing but was forced to plaster a smile on his face as he listened to them ramble on. 

Wednesday wasn't any better either. Caden and some of the other Eagles thought it would be funny to play a joke on him. When Adrian was distracted, they had taped the bottom of his skating boots. He didn't realise until he ended up flat on the ice, sore after he landed uncomfortably on his ankle.

Adrian didn't have a problem with pranks, he was a jokester himself. But a prank by someone you hated as much as they hated you, was it really a prank?

The Eagles that did the prank thought it was funny as Adrian saw them all laugh when he had to be helped off the ice, unable to attend practice that day with his ankle becoming too sore and turning a light shade of purple.

It was that same day when Adrian was just about to leave class when the teacher bumped up their psychology exam to Friday evening. Everyone was pissed but the teacher insisted, not caring about any of the outrage from the students.

So, Adrian knew what he was going to spend the rest of his weekdays doing. Having his head down in his book and trying to absorb the information by staring at the pages, and praying it would go in.

Adrian stopped by the diner first to grab a milkshake, he at least thought the sugary sweetness would boost his mood before he would hate himself for not understanding any of the information.

Whilst waiting patiently at the counter, Adrian heard him before he saw him as Brody came up from behind him.

"Hey Adrian, what you up to?"

Adrian's mood already got better, and he didn't even have his milkshake yet - just seeing Brody helped.

"My psychology exam was brought up to Friday instead of next week, this means my day involves cramming information into my stupid head while hoping a milkshake gives me a motivational boost to not hate myself for being dumb." Adrian eloquently expressed his frustration.

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