Chapter 58 - Massage

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Author's note: There are mature scenes in this chapter, especially obvious if you read the title and can probably tell where it's going to go.

The mature scenes are bordered with a #.

Back to the story*


A stressed out Adrian was mentally tearing the hairs out of his head while trying to not mix up the difference between dealing with acute stressors and chronic stressors. The very long words made Adrian confused, and it was too easy for him to mix the words up.

He eventually gave up when he kept reading the wrong chemical messenger and hormones that were involved in the process.

So Adrian moved onto the nervous system. Identifying the 4 main parts of the brain was a piece of cake. But delving any further and explaining what they actually did made Adrian's brain melt into a puddle on the floor.

Adrian picked up the book and tossed it onto his bed, dropping his head on the desk and groaning very loudly.

Sally had opened door and watched Adrian bang his head on the desk repeatedly. "Is it not going well sweetie?"

Adrian kept his head on the desk as he mumbled into the wood. "No, my brain is too small for it to sink in. I don't even know why I picked this stupid subject."

"Well sweetie, now would be the time where I try to raise your spirits and everything, but your aunty Susie is waiting for me to help practice cooking some pumpkin pies for Thursday." Sally came into the room and dropped a kiss onto her son's cheek. "But you have a visitor who will try instead."

As Sally left Adrian's doorway and slipped out through the front door, Brody walked in with a folder of his own work. He had dropped it onto Adrian's desk when Adrian looked up and gave him a weak smile.


"Hey, tough day?" Brody asked.

Adrian nodded slowly. "I'm stressed about learning about stress, the irony is cruel on this one."

Brody quietly chuckled in Adrian's misery and gave his shoulder a little squeeze. "You want to take a break? If you stay like this then I can probably guarantee you won't be in the mood to continue revising afterwards."

After Adrian agreed to Brody's suggestion to a nice and hot shower to help unwind himself, Adrian took some spare clothes and headed towards the bathroom, finally greeting his boyfriend with a chaste kiss before leaving.


Adrian went back into his room with a damp set of hair, tired eyes and tension oozing out of his body still.

He saw Brody waiting patiently for him on his bed when Brody asked, "Did the shower help?"

Adrian shut the door behind him and sat at his desk. "Nope, now I'm just a clean idiot who is still stressed."

"Well I got something to help with that, here." Brody tossed a bottle that Adrian didn't realise he was holding, and caught it.

"Massage oil?"

Brody nodded as he scooted back from the bed and made space for Adrian. "Come, take your shirt off."

"In that order?" Adrian quipped.

Brody laughed as he smiled silly at Adrian's double entendre. "It will make you feel better, just humour me a little."

Adrian stripped of his shirt so he was still left wearing his underwear. He was about to climb onto the bed but paused before he reached it.

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