Chapter 57 - Self-conscious

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Author's note #1: I made a new cover for this book if some of you didn't notice, I hope you at least kind of like it.

Back to the story*


It was the next day and a Sunday evening when the group of friends were at Adrian's house, revising together to prepare themselves for the midterm exams that were in a few weeks time.

They had agreed to not get distracted and to focus on their work, their education being on the line if they continued avoiding their midterm exams.

At least that's what they agreed for Adrian's sake, since he was the only one who resented the idea to need to be babysat in order to revise.

At the moment, Adrian's whole house was full with people who had their heads down and were doing something productive.

Sitting next to him, Brody was writing on post it notes and sticking them over his book, summarising the chapter points in fewer and more understandable words.

Ashley was using flash cards to help with her revision, quietly reading them out loud before flipping them and testing herself.

Adam was paraphrasing and using diagrams to help illustrate what was on the page. Adrian was impressed how Adam was surprising creative and imaginative with his drawing, with it seemingly working for Adam since he always had decent grades in school.

Even Sally was occupied in the kitchen, writing down her shopping list for Thanksgiving which was in a few days time.

And what was Adrian doing? Doodling pictures of Ollie who was lying on his lap right now, ignoring the stack of revision resources that he was neglecting.

After an unimpressive drawing, Adrian put his pencil down and was placing loud kisses onto Ollie's nose, who was very happy and eager to receive the attention.

The loud noises got the attention of everyone else in the room, all silently judging Adrian for distracting them and not being able to stick to his study plan.

Adrian feigned ignorance at his disturbance as he spoke to Ollie out loud. "Aren't you just the cutest boy ever? Yes you are."

"Adrian, you're boyfriend is sitting right there." Adam joked.

Hearing them laugh in the background, Adrian continued to avoid revising by taking Ollie into the kitchen to give him a treat.

After listening to his commands, Ollie sat in his living room bed with the treat, as Adrian then poured himself a drink from the refrigerator.

"How's your revision going?" Sally asked her son. "You don't have long left until your exams."

"There's weeks until my exams so I've got plenty of time. Besides, it's going fine."

"He's lying!" Adam shouted from the other room.

Sally gave her son a look mixed with concern, pity and mild annoyance as Adrian sat down with her.

"Okay fine, I'm finding it a bit difficult and I needed a break before my brain ends up exploding and smeared all over the walls."

Sally put her hand on top of Adrian's and gave it a sympathetic squeeze. "Don't worry so much about it sweetie, we both know you're going to try your best and at least attempt to get back into it."

Adrian gave his best attempt at a smile, to at least reassure his mom and not add anymore stress onto her plate. He already had enough of his own problems, he didn't want to burden them on his mom either.

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