Chapter 76 - A Phone Call Away

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"Adrian sweetie, you okay?"

Adrian's head slipped from the hand he was leaning on, almost head butting the plate when he looked back at his mom. "Huh? What'd you say?"

"I asked if you're okay?" Sally repeated to her son.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry."

Sally crouched down besides Adrian and enunciated every word by speaking loudly and slowly. "Are. You. Okay?"

Slightly embarrassed that he was caught daydreaming, Adrian coughed to get rid of the awkwardness he was feeling. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine."

Sally looked down at Adrian's enormous stack of food and noticed that it was barely touched. "That's unlike you, wasn't one of the main reasons you came down here was for the free food?" She laughed.

Adrian began poking the fruit salad with his fork, making holes in them without attempting to eat it. "Just distracted."

"You want to talk about it? I'm all ears." Sally offered.

Adrian couldn't stop thinking about the whole marriage thing, and it was extremely annoying him. It was one tiny slip up, he was at a wedding so it was a reasonable tangent, but then it manifested into a big deal - it was how things went with Adrian.

"Is this about what I said at the reception yesterday?" Adrian slowly nodded his head so Sally continued speaking. "Honey, I'm sorry if I was pressuring you or putting ideas into your head. Your relationship right now is fine with me."

"I know mom, I believe you." Adrian knew quite early on that his mom cared for Brody a lot, so it made their relationship a lot more easier. They didn't need to sneak around or hide themselves from her, they could relax when they were all in the same house together. "I just can't help but think about the future."

Right after Adrian said that, Alex passed by and slapped her cousin on the head.

Immediately flinching, "Alex what was that for?!" Adrian cursed as he held his hand over where he was hit.

Taking a seat with them, "What did I tell you yesterday, huh? You're relationship is still new, so stop worrying about this marriage nonsense, and stop getting your panties in a twist about nothing." Alex explained lovingly.

"Are my ears burning? Did I just here my newly beloved wife say that marriage is nonsense?" Jamie joked as she joined all of them, kissing her wife before she sat down.

"Oh my god, is there anyone else that wants to join in on this conversation while the invitation is still open?!" Adrian mockingly cursed as everyone around him laughed at his flamboyance.

Susie quickly slipped into the circle around Adrian, as Alex continued speaking. "For an 18 years old kid, you're really domesticated and dramatic."

When everyone began laughing at him, Adrian crossed his arms and pouted. "You only get away with that today because you just got married."

"Then I better make the most of it!" Alex joked. "But seriously Adrian, you can get married later on in life. There's no need to think about all that stuff now, just enjoy your youthfulness."

"I would kill to be young again." Susie added as she began reminiscing about her younger days.

Alex clapped her hands together as she attempted to liven Adrian's mood. "What's one thing we can do right now to cheer you up? I don't want to go to Italy without cheering you up a little bit before we leave."

Adrian thought about this very moment, and there was one thing he wanted right now.

"I want to go home and see Brody."

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