Chapter 20 - Morning Call

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Author's note: So I made a major screw up and accidentally deleted this chapter during the process of organising this whole story.

So I had to speed write this and try to fix it with the notes I had and from what I remembered.

But I honestly don't remember a lot from this chapter, and my notes were pretty vague. So I'm sorry if it isn't as good as before.

Back to the story*


Adrian was woken up by the sensation of soft and delicate fingers stroking his arm. His eyes were still closed as he smiled into the touch, enjoying the feeling of the warm body besides him.

When he rolled around onto his other side, Adrian opened his eyes to see Brody looking softly at him. Adrian was smiling back at Brody when he leaned forward to kiss him gently.


Brody pulled Adrian in again and gave Adrian another gentle kiss before pulling away. "Morning, sleep well?"

Adrian snuggled himself closer into Brody's warmth as Brody wrapped his arms tighter around Adrian. "Really well, I could get used to this."

Brody ran his hand across the side of Adrian's arms, sharing the same sentiment as he didn't want this moment to end. "Me too."

Adrian grabbed a hold of Brody's hand and entwined their fingers together. He then pulled Brody's hand towards him and kissed it. "What time is it?"

Brody reached for his phone and looked at the time. "7:40."

Adrian let out a soft exhale as he continued to bask in Brody's warmth. The room was silent as they continued enjoying the moment between them, not having another care in the world but each other.


Brody was cuddling Adrian in their bed as Brody began peppering Adrian with gentle kisses. Sadly they were soon interrupted when they heard a knock on the door. Inside his head, Brody mentally groaned at the intrusion that was distorting their peaceful morning.

Adrian got up from the bed as he made his way over to the door while Brody collapsed back onto the bed, disappointed that they couldn't carry on.

Adrian opened the door to Adam, who invited himself into their room. "The receptionist told me that your room got changed," Adam then looked around the room and noticed how it was so much nicer than all of the other rooms. "Wow, what an upgrade."

Adam looked towards the bed and took a second glance when he saw that it was only 1 very large bed with only 1 duvet visible. He had a pondering look on his face as he turned to Adrian. "Did you both sleep on that bed together?"

Adrian rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at the bed instead of Adam, trying to stammer up an excuse. "Yeah, the couch wasn't comfy and we both were alright with it anyway. No biggie."

Adam seemed to accept that as he just shrugged his head. "Anyway, I just came to tell you guys that everyone has to come down for breakfast in 20 minutes. Coach's order as he wants to run a breakdown on how to behave before the big game and all that crap."

"Okay we'll meet you down there. We're just going to shower and get changed first."

Once he heard that, Brody seemed to finally get out from under the covers as he waddled out of bed in just his underwear. Adrian watched as Brody closed the bathroom door behind him, not missing the smirk that formed on Brody's face after being caught staring.


Breakfast at the hotel was nice and peaceful. However the teams were still separated as the room was split up between the Ravens and the Eagles by sheer habit.

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