Chapter 64 - Adrian's Buyer

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In a different part of a rich neighbourhood,
Adrian was given the address to his mystery buyer, with the person not putting their name on the ballot as the $500 easily secured the deal.

It was crazy that between all of the other personal assistant offers from both of the teams, Adrian's amount was more than all of them combined.

Only the students were able to personally bet on winning the personal assistant for the day, and that's why for someone to spend over $30 was already insane.

'What made me so special?' Adrian thought to himself.

Adrian knocked on the door as he patiently waited outside the beautiful and regal manor. Adrian heard footsteps approach, and was greeted by an elderly gentlemen that was dressed in what appeared to be a uniform.

"Umm hi. I'm Adrian and someone's expecting me today, but I don't have their name quite frankly." Adrian admitted, for all he knew he could be at a killer's beautiful house.

"Ah yes, we've been expecting you. Come on through."

Adrian followed the housekeeper as he took Adrian into the main living room. The house decor was the most fancy thing Adrian had ever seen, everything screaming 'rich' to him.

"Who am I waiting for?" Adrian politely asked.

He turned around to find out he was already left alone, as he didn't get a response and only heard the footsteps go away from him. Only when Adrian looked at the framed photo above the fireplace did Adrian discover where he was.

"Oh you've got to be fucking kiddin-"

"You made it! Better late than never I guess."

Elliot was happily greeting Adrian as he leaned against the archway that separated the rooms.

Adrian's eyes that were sparkling with wonderment when he first looked around the house, was now soaked with disappointment and frustration since he found out this was Elliot's home.

"Was this meant to win me over?" Adrian questioned, now understanding why someone paid that much for him when he thought he was worth so little.

"I have no idea what you mean," Elliot told him, "I have things I wanted help with, and because it was personal I rather have a friend do it instead of a stranger."

Adrian walked up to Elliot, who still seemed very relaxed from his spot. "First of all, we're not even friends. And secondly, if it was personal then why would you need to pay them?"

Elliot laughed sarcastically at Adrian, "Us not being friends? Sure," He said as he dismissed Adrian's idea of them not being friends. "Anyway the main reason you're here is because it's kind of embarrassing, which is why I made the thing anonymous."

"Like what?" Adrian asked.

"Follow me."

Adrian was defensive as he crossed his arms, indicating that he wasn't going to move. "And why should I?"

Elliot stopped leaning against the archway as he walked up to Adrian, squaring up against him. "Because you were paid to, and so you have to do what I want you to do today. Now, follow me."


Adrian started the day, as Elliot's personal assistant, with being annoyed. Right now Elliot was making him record his time doing laps in their Olympic sized pool.

"Don't you have to wear swimsuits?" Adrian asked out of interest when he saw Elliot's attire.

Elliot had confidently striped himself down so that Adrian was forced to have a full view of his typical swimmer's body.

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