Chapter 69 - Winter Break

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The weekend was quickly over as the last game of the season was about to start. With winter break starting soon, and midterms were almost done and dealt with, the Ravens and the Eagles were having one last rival match before the end of the year.

With it being the first big game with his new teammate, Brody went to talk to Elliot and make sure he was hyped up for the game. It was also the first time they've seen each other since the night out at The Highway, and Brody wanted a catch up with his new friend.

"Hey, what happened to your head?" It was the first thing Brody had noticed when he walked over, still clueless about the whole night.

"Oh, this thing?" Elliot pointed to the small bandage on his head and laugh, "Mostly a surface wound, should be healed properly in a few days time."

Brody sat down by Elliot as he started to put his chest piece on. "Shouldn't you sit out for today then? You don't want to risk another head injury."

Elliot tapped the helmet that was besides him, knocking it and hearing the loud sound come from it. "That's why the helmet will protect my head."

As they laughed it off together, Adrian walked in to see the man he loved talk to the man he despised.

"Brody can I talk to you? It's kind of important." Adrian asked, deliberately ignoring the person sitting next to him.

"Wanted another round of smack talk?" Brody joked. "Didn't do enough goading last night?"

Adrian didn't end up telling Brody about the club incident because he though that Elliot had already learnt his lesson - to stay away from him. Elliot didn't seem to tell anyone else either about him being hit with a bottle, so Adrian thought that the both of them would want to keep it quiet.

But walking in to see them still friendly as ever, Adrian wanted to stop the parasite from infesting in his life.

"Please?" Adrian begged.

The change in Adrian's usual playful tone sparked something inside of Brody, knowing that it must be about something important.

"We have a couple of minutes now, you want-"

"Ah shit!" Elliot cursed, holding his head in pain.

Brody turned to look at Elliot and address the pain he was in. "Elliot? What's wrong?"

"I think it was just a twinge, could you get me another bandage before it seeps through Brody?"

Looking nervously at his injured teammate, Brody agreed as he stood up to help Elliot. Whispering into Adrian's ear before he left, "Can we talk later?"

Brody had already left to run Elliot's errands, leaving Adrian to look at the smirk on Elliot's face.

Elliot smiled as he offered to lend his ears to the irritated guy that was staring back at him. "You can talk to me if you like?"

"It's about you, you dipshit."

Elliot looked Adrian up and down with fire burning in his eyes. "God, I love it when you talk to me like that. Such a filthy, filthy mouth - Brody is such a lucky guy."

"Creep." Adrian muttered with disgust.

No longer playing mind games with Adrian, "You can't seriously think it's a good idea to tell your boyfriend about what we did at the back of the club."

"Stop making everything sound so dirty and wrong! You were harassing me, again!" Adrian yelled.

Ignoring the confused looks people were giving them, Elliot dismissed them since he was sure they didn't hear anything properly. He pulled Adrian down and forced him to sit besides him.

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