Chapter 51 - Inviting Him Over

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The next afternoon Adrian was lying on his bed as he was tossing a ball in the air. He was trying to relax, waste time as he was very bored and all alone in the house. He had a lot of time to process the insanity which was Sam's family and their escape out of the country.

The night before, Brody called Adrian and updated him about the whole school status situation and Sam's alleged freedom. Learning that Sam actually managed to get away with everything he did, and flee the town with no repercussions sucked balls. It wasn't fair, and Adrian hated everything about it. There wasn't anything he could do, and the whole operation to arrest the family felt hopeless.

Adrian couldn't help but laugh at the situation, how it sounded completely ridiculous and damn right fictional. Saying it to himself out loud made it sound so crazy, "Pleading mental insanity and then being taken away during vehicle transfer, which was actually a ruse for hired professionals to whisk him away with his family and leave the country sounded like a Netflix show heist operation."

On the brighter side it was a relief that the school didn't get closed down. They never talked about it, but Brody moving to find another school was one of the outcomes that scared Adrian the most. He didn't want to lose Brody so soon, they were both happy and Adrian didn't want anything else to jeopardise their relationship.

Speaking of being happy, Adrian threw the ball across the room as he picked up his phone. Dialling the person that was making him happy right now, he waited for Brody to pick up the phone.

On the other side of town, Brody was finishing his last set at a home workout when he heard his phone ring. Wiping the sweat of his forehead, he quickly answered it as he smiled at seeing who was on the other end.

"Hey Adrian." Brody said calmly, as if he didn't just work up a sweat and was physically drained.

"Brody hey, you doing anything right now?"

Brody was already heading towards the bathroom as he carried a set of clean clothes and a towel with him. "I was just about to hop in the shower, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. With Adam going away with Ashley I'm just really bored right now. And my mom has gone to visit her dad so she will be away for the weekend."

Brody was now sitting on the toilet lid as he locked the bathroom door, wanting to finish talking to Adrian first.

"You want to stay at mine for the weekend? I mean the only reason I'm not with my mom right now is because I convinced her that you were already staying over." Adrian told him.

"Hmm, so are you asking me to stay and keep you company, or to keep you out of trouble for lying to your mom?"

"Both." Adrian replied flatly. "We both know you're going to come anyway, this is just the formal invitation, to be a gentlemen and all that."

Brody laughed wholeheartedly at that. "Maybe I already have plans for tonight. Golden boy over here has a lot of work he needs to do, and it would be best if he wasn't distracted by his very sexy and enticing boyfriend."

The side of Adrian's lips were raised into a small smile. Playing along with the little game, "Maybe that sexy and enticing boyfriend of yours can lure you over here."


"Pretty please?" Adrian played it nice and polite, hoping the mild begging would help.

Pretending to take his time to weigh up his options, "Well now that you begged..." Brody heard Adrian quietly laugh to himself over the phone when he answered him. "Let me shower first and I'll be right over."

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