Chapter 56 - Scars

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Author's note: So I managed to rewrite all of the missing chapters the were deleted, and I tried the best I could with them. The chapter numbers will now continue like this so there will be no future confusions hopefully.

Back to the story*


Adrian was a little shaken after his run in with Elliot in the elevator. The guy's ego was too big to hear no, and so Adrian made him understand it with his fist.

Outside Brody's home, Adrian took several deep and cleansing breaths, as if to try and remove one of the most disturbing and baffling past hours of his life.

'1, 2, 3.'

Adrian let himself in as he opened the door to Brody's apartment. Adrian dropped his belongings by the door as he called out for Brody.

"In here!" Adrian heard from Brody's bedroom.

Brody was studying at his desk when Adrian walked in, several books and highlighters covered the whole area as Brody was revising for his exams.

"Hey babe, where've you been?"

Adrian closed the door behind him and fell backwards on the bed, exhausted by how the day turned out. "It's better you don't know. One of those 'ignorance is bliss' kind of things."

Brody turned back to his studies as he highlighted a passage in one of his books. "Whatever you say babe."

Adrian leaned on his elbows as he sat up slightly. "What you up to?"

"Running a marathon... What do you think?"

Adrian fell back onto the bed as he went full starfish on the comfy duvet. "Well excuse me for wanting to hear your voice."

Brody was momentarily silenced as he smiled to himself. "Dork."


They both chuckled because of the stupid fight that was going on between them. "Anyway, where's my surprise?"

Adrian got up from the bed as he had only just remembered the cinnamon bun. He didn't think what state the treat would be in, given that it was probably roasting and smushed in a hot elevator for over an hour.

When Adrian dropped it on the desk, Brody recognised the bag brand and was instantly overwhelmed with joy. "Awesome."

That opinion soon changed when Brody looked inside it. Still grateful for the gesture, Brody just wanted to know what happened to the sweet treat. "Did it have a run in with a bear or something?"

Adrian got back up from the comfy bed and looked inside the bag. Inside, the cinnamon bun was flattened like a pancake, and the icing was no longer drizzled on top, but meshed together.

"More like a pig and a hound dog. Sorry."

"Oh well, should still taste good." Brody ripped a piece off and popped it in his mouth. It was still delicious and so he ripped some and fed Adrian. "Want some more?"

"I think I want something else hot, white and sticky in my mouth." Adrian's voice was unnerved as he looked into Brody's eyes.

Brody choked on the cinnamon bun as he began coughing at the piece stuck in his throat. "Real smooth there babe."

Adrian knelt down on both knees in front of Brody as he reached his belt to unbuckle it. "Yeah yeah, just take your pants off."


It was now the weekend when Adrian had his checkup at the hospital, to check his stitches and to see if they healed. It was early in the morning when Adrian went with his mom to the appointment.

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