c h a p t e r 6

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🎵You know I've seen her in her uptown world
She's getting tired of her high class toys
And all her presents from her uptown boys
She's got a choice🎵

-Billy Joel

Hunter's pov:

She was in the kitchen. I knew she was. It's like she's claimed that place, I don't see her anywhere else.

She doesn't even give me a reason to get her ass out of here.

I had to hand it to her, she's been getting better at making breakfast. She's usually swaying around and humming some song whenever I catch her in the morning before I leave for work.

It's like she actually enjoys it.

"Oh, I didn't hear you. I made some eggs today if you're ok with that." She smiles softly.

"Did you have anything yet?" I ask. I tried being lowkey, didn't want it to be on my conscious that someone dies of starvation in my house.

Yeah, that's the reason.

She seems to stop for a moment, avoiding eye contact with me. "I'm not hungry right now."

It took me five minutes to finish up my food and grab the keys. She was sitting in the living room. Just staring at her hands as she played with her fingers.

"Make sure to have something. You look too pale." I leave, shutting the door and start whistling as I walk to the car shop.


Mark was an old friend.

A good friend.

A nice friend.

Someone who I knew I could depend on.

Once upon a time his father, my uncle, used worked with mine, and now we work together. He was tolerable enough, one of the only people I could handle.

I remember our parents telling us stories about when we first met.

He kept on showing me his toys while I just threw them behind me when he handed them to me so we could play. He ended up crying and sobbing, telling me that I was the worst 'best friend ever'. A few days later, he as back at my place with his 'new and ultra super awesome cool' tricycle, ready to race.

I shut the door on his face.

He'd usually annoy the fuck out of me ever since then but he's been with me since day one.

So it's no surprise when he's annoying me during work and I fake throw the wrench I had at him and he brings his arm to his face.

"You could've hit me you idiot! Girls wouldn't've been able to see this handsome face cause of an injury." He cries when he realized I didn't hit him at all. "Is this how you treat your best friend?"

"What do you want me to do now? Kiss your broken heart and then propose, spilling my undying love for you so that we can run away into the sunset holding hands with unicorns jumping and elves singing love songs?" I deadpan, stating to pick up the tire so I could change it.

"Oh honeybun! I knew you'd confess one day!" Clasping his hands together, he looks at me with goo-goo eyes and then shoves his face into mine.

Pushing him off of me harshly I stand up, "Too bad, your dreams just got crushed. Plus, don't you have things to do other then annoy me?"

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