c h a r a c t e r a e s t h e t i c s

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Hello! Aloha! Asalamualaikum! Holà! Namaste! Idk anymore languages, sue me.

Yes, welcome back to my annoying abode.

Anyways, after feeling guilty for asking a really great and close friend of mine to do this, I'm here to show you the masterpieces that she created and I absolutely loved and if anyone has any questions as to 'why?' And 'that doesn't seem like their personality' I will personally list down reasons why I really love them and why they're perfect, other than the elegance and grace and pretty colors that is.

I've been wanting to change up the story from the outside and add a little color for a very long time now, and seeing so many people have them just made me want to tick off a thing from my 'just yesterday made new year's resolution list' which was asking a friend to do it for me instead. I just find the outside of my story dull.

'Sierra White'

'Sierra White'

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'Hunter King'

I hope everyone loves them as much as I do, and I'd like to thank ThikcNoodul again for this

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I hope everyone loves them as much as I do, and I'd like to thank ThikcNoodul again for this.

Also, just pointing something out like the dork I am, she put freaking crowns on both their aesthetics. Hunter with his last name being King and Sierra because she's called princess and she is one. A pretty pretty princess. Nobody can change my mind.

Downtown BoyWhere stories live. Discover now