e p i l o u g e

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Sierra's pov:

5 years later

I woke up with the sole of my foot being applied with pressure and I let out a satisfied hum, that felt good. With being on my feet all morning while painting the room, I think it was worth it.

"When'd you get back?" I slur, pulling the pillow I was cuddling closer to me, "A bit to the left please." I tell him, my eyes still closed. He slowly moves his thumb to the right, massaging his thumbs on my foot. That felt so good, I was about to cry.

"It's been a few hours now," He answers, "you've been out for a few hours, it's 6 now."

"M'hungry." I whine stretching my arms and then folding them around my bloated stomach.

"You must be, you worked all morning and then slept without any lunch." He says, massaging my other foot now. I rub my eyes, my hands still had a bit of paint on them, I didn't bother cleaning myself up and fell straight on the bed.

I nod my head, pouting at what he said, he was right.

When he's done, he crawls up and lays down next to me, "So how're my babies doing today?"

"They're hungry." I jut my lower lip out and blink innocently at him.

Hunter sighs down at me, picking up the phone from beside him and open up a food app, and starts scrolling through the options, asking me what I wanted.

We end up choosing Chinese, not really bothering to ask Lacey and Axel what they'd want, knowing that they'd be happy the moment they hear that we're getting take out.

"How was your trip?" I ask him, playing with his fingers, twirling his wedding ring around his finger. We got married last year, a sweet wedding with only our close friends, that meant that expenses for after parties were cheaper. (wink)

He groans in response and pulls e closer to him, making me laugh, "That bad?"

"I'm taking you with me next time, I was so bored." He complains into my shirt, "But I bought baby clothes and they're adorable as fuck." He tells me.

"No fucking way, are you gonna show me or what?"

"Later, they're still in the suitcase."

After my parents were sentenced with their punishments in court, I wanted to start new, I wanted to do something I wanted. Not something I was being forced to do.

I got into a culinary school, but the only problem was that it was away from our town, in Toronto, I thought it was a good thing, a chance to not always be together and seem dependent on people, Hunter thought it was a horrible idea for me to move away.

He had his own classes going on, the only condition for partnering up with my brother he was given was studying business and engineering. It took a lot of convincing, but I'm glad it turned out the way right now.

Hailey and I moved there along with Axel, there were different classes and we decided on choosing alternative, so when I'd be going in the morning, she'd stay home and when she'd go in the evening, I'd stay home with Axel. We went along fine with the schedule, seeing how she isn't a morning person.

Those two years were a hassle, jumping from one thing to another.

During the whole time, Hunter and I facetimed whenever we had the chance, he would be exhausted and almost asleep when talking, mumbling on about how much his hands hurt from writing.

Two years later, Hunter and Lacey; she moved schools, Sam decided to stay back, he had his own courses to complete and said that it would disturb his environment of study if he up and left, he was roomies with my brother for 3 years— were moving to Toronto and Hailey and I were opening our own Bakery.

We wanted the name to be significant, something memorable, but not that significant cause Granny would've puked at the thought of anything sweet.

We chose 'Nancy'.

"Remember Nathan?" He asks, and I nod, one of the guys he worked with.


"Ughhhh, I had to go though all the papers on computer, please don't remind me." he rolls his eyes, a hand brushing against my stomach, "Man's sister baked cookies, they're in the kitchen." 

"Did she give it to you personally?" I question, silent all of a sudden.

"She came to pick up her brother so, yeah I guess." A shrug to brush away the question.

"Did she make them for you or me?"

He's quiet for a few seconds, ignoring me and then I start laughing. Turning around I squeeze his cheeks, teasing him, "Aww does someone have an admirer?" He pushes my hands away from his face and then puts a pillow on his face.

I stop suddenly, gasping, feeling a kick, not that hard but it was still there, Hunter jumps up, the bed shifting and he quickly starts bombarding me with questions while I sat there with my eyes wide and mouth open.

"What's wrong? Are you fine? Is everything good?"

"The baby kicked." I whisper, ever since my last club meeting, I heard someone say that babies start kicking around the 3 to 5 month and I was getting restless and worried. I was 5 months in and the baby still hadn't kicked until today.

"The baby kicked!" I shout in excitement, "Oh my God, she finally kicked!" A stupid grin was plastered on my face.

I must've been shouting way too loud cause Lacey and Axel run in worried, "What's wrong?"

Hunter had his palm stuck on my stomach, she kicked again.

He shrieks, jumping on the bed like a child on a trampoline, "She kicked! She actually did kick!"

Both the kids run towards the bed, staring at me, Lacey's the first to break the silence, "C-can I touch?" When I nod my head, she puts her hand on my bump. Axel had been staring in amazement, not saying anything.

"Axel, do you want to?" I ask him and he nods his head with his eyes still trailing on my stomach.

A few seconds later they're breaking into a smile, Lacey's braces twinkling and Axel's toothy grin on display.

They're both smiling and giggling to themselves when I look at my husband, his eyes were already trained on me, a gentle smile on his lips. His eyes were bright and excited, all his worries washed away. It felt good.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

(they ended up having dinner when the delivery man came.)

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