c h a p t e r 22

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🎶My uptown girl🎶

-Billy Joel

Sierra's pov:

We were arguing.






"Oh come one Sierra, you've had enough sugar for the week!" Hunter exclaims, falling onto the couch in exhaustion, his head falls back the arm rest and his feet were plopped into my lap.

He was being completely unfair and annoying.

"No I haven't." I grumble, crossing my arms around my chest and push his legs off.

I have a sweet tooth. I like sweet things.

I want cupcakes. It doesn't help that I've been extremely tired these days and my feet hurt like hell, my period was a day or two close and I always had pre-period pain.

They weren't abdominal pain, it was more like I was pregnant woman who couldn't stand for more than two minutes before her feet started passing out, and when I'd lay down it'd be even more painful because it felt like they were bruised.

They ached so.fucking.bad.

I used to cry back...back when...yeah.

And my tummy usually skyrockets in hunger. Sweet things in general.

"Yes, you have. Four cupcakes, including mine, when I brought them over during my break on Wednesday, two cups of tea on a daily basis, and not to mention the marshmallows you've been gobbling down with Lacey and Sam. In the morning for breakfast." He gives me a glare.

Now, how could I be threatened by such a cutie-pie who's glare just gives me dominant daddy vibes?

My face heats up, realizing the kids and I weren't as discreet as we thought.

Well, shit.

"But baby, you know how much I crave sugar when my period's near." I complain, shuffling closer to him with a pout.

He doesn't seem fazed at all, "For breakfast, Sierra, seriously? I mean, I get your obsession with sweets but making the kids eat it too?"

"I don't make them eat it with me, it's like you're saying I'm shoving it down their throats on purpose." I snap offendedly, I move back away from him and sit up straight.

He rolls his eyes with a tired sigh, "Babe, come on, I didn't mean it like that."

"Of course you didn't, Lord forbid Hunter say something offending about how horribly I take care of his siblings." I smile sarcastically. Dammit, let me be a brat and agree with what I want!

I was being an asshole for no reason and taking out all my sour mood on him.

He props his elbows up and looks at me weirdly, "Is there a reason why you're being a jerk? Because I know that moods aren't that bitch-ish when you're close to your period."

I ignore him and play with my fingers.



"Are you okay?"


I didn't look at him.


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