c h a p t e r 10

265 12 73

🎵She'll say I'm not so tough
Just because
I'm in love
With an uptown girl🎵

-Billy Joel

Hunter's pov:

"Come on Grams, you're taking forever. Your customer's 'ave probably broken the window to your shop and started stealing all your goods." I was walking Grams to her shop, it wasn't often that I got some alone time without her nowadays.

"Oh pish posh dear, you're too impatient. Take the broken scenery in, smell the freshly polluted air, smile at the moody by passers that are telling you to fuck off ." She swats my hand that was eager to pull her all the way to her café with a smile.

That's my Grams for you.

I gasp dramatically, "Is that 5 dollars in the swear jar I hear?"


I stop in my tracks and look beside myself when I don't hear her reply but rather short pants and uncontrollable coughing only to see that she stopped to lean against a red-bricked wall.

Her chest was heaving and her loud breathing could be heard from a mole away. I hurriedly sprint towards her, "What's wrong? Are you okay? I told you I could've drove you in the car Uncle Henry gave us, why couldn't you just listen to me. Here, drink some water."

She takes a sip before dropping the bottle and puking on the side. "It's ok, let it all out Grams." I tel her as I rub her back.

"Come on, we're going to the doctor's instead. And no extra work for you."

She had protested. She protested a lot that she smacked me on my bead a couple times.

"You've been coughing crazy these days, granted you aren't talking in coughs but you've also been vomiting and just brushing it off like it isn't anything. We're going right now and if I hear you say no, I won't hesitate to carry you there." I threaten.

She looks at me for a moment with a twinkle in her eyes, "Oh dear, there isn't any need to take me there. I am perfectly fine and in no need of a check up with a doctor, and I certainly wouldn't want you to carry me there. It isn't like my legs would hurt if I walked." She emphasizes on her words, trying to convince me.

Yet she still asks where Lacey gets all her dramatics from.

I blow a raspberry and take her hand in mine with a roll of my eyes, "I don't understand why you didn't take acting as a job instead."

I'm glad I didn't listen to her

I didn't care about the expenses or how I skipped a day at work without telling Marcus or Uncle Henry.


It isn't that severe as compared to other cases right now, but if not treated well it could lead to death, that's that the doctor had said.

There are chances of death, is what I heard.

Her lungs are better now, she doesn't vomit as much, takes a breather every half hour at work and drinks enough honey water, I'd made sure to make one of her employees inform me everyday that she was doing said things.

A knock on the wall breaks me from my train of thoughts, and I put down the half eaten sandwich Sierra and Lacey had shoved my way in the morning and said it was my lunch.

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